(Chapter 26) Forgive And Forget.. I Just Can't.

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Finding Rayne at Bianca's place, I felt relieved, because I knew she was safe.

Coming home alone, filled me with a rage that consumed me.

I was so mad that she ran away. That she thought she could escape me. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the door to the palace opening.

A guard came to see me, telling that a lady by the name of Bianca requested to see me.

Giving my permission, I saw Bianca come up to me.

Looking at me with uncontrollable fury, she told me that if I wasn't the soon to be King and was just a normal boy, she would have slapped me so hard, it would make me forget my name.

Thinking what could this woman be going on about, I asked "Excuse me?"

"Are you happy about what you did to her?" she screamed.

"Does it make you feel good, managing to break down a girl who has a heart of gold for strangers?"

"Tell me what has that girl done to you, for you to do something like that to her, tell me?", Bianca shrieked.

Telling Bianca that she had no right to speak to me in the way she is, she became even more furious.

Getting my guards to escort Bianca out, she screamed, " You will not see Rayne again, you would have to go over my dead body before that girl takes you back."

Hearing all the commotion, grandma came to me, asking "Why was Rayne's lady making so much of noise, what was going on?"

Making the guards to let go of Bianca, grandma called her back in, asking us to meet her in her royal chambers so we could speak in privacy.

Following grandma, we went to her royal chambers and she closed her door behind us, so we could speak in privacy.

Sitting on her chair, grandma gave Bianca permission to speak, so Bianca spoke...
"Your Majesty, our soon to be King here, has raped his wife, he has committed an awful act on such a sweet kind girl. Is that right? Does being royalty give a person the right to do what he wants to with his wife?"

Looking aghast, Grandma looks at me and says" Kellen speak now before I lose my temper with you!"

"Grandma, you know what Rayne's brother has done to Everly, how could I let Rayne get away with that. She needs to suffer the way that Everly is suffering, if not more...." I said

Before I could finish everything I was saying, I felt a sharp sting on my cheek, Grandma had slapped me.

With tears in her eyes, she asks me "Is this the way I have raised you, to rape your own wife"

Speechless, I bowed my head, looking to the floor.

"No grandma" , I finally said after sometime.

"I told you Kellen numerous times to let Rayne go back to her country if you couldn't treat her like a proper royal wife should be treated.....

Her heart is too good for you to break it, but for the past week, I saw the love you showed her and I thought things were now fine...

I knew without a doubt that, Rayne loved you and I was so stupid to think you felt the same way because I love Rayne...

The sister that supposedly got disabled because of Rayne's brother, loves Rayne so much, you can see with how much of time they spend together. Kellen your people love Rayne because she brings joy and happiness to all around her, but my grandson the high and mighty Kellen cannot see any good in that girl. You are dead set on punishing her, but did you realise that Rayne's brother committed the crime and he is living a good comfortable life at home in his country, but Rayne who has nothing to do with this problem has to suffer. You tell me Kellen, Everly is in a wheelchair but she is happy, because she found someone to love her, but two people that are not even involved in the situation, is suffering the consequences, Is that fair?"

Still looking at the ground, I said "No, grandma"

"Well you better do something to solve this issue before I do it", grandma yelled at me.

Turning to Bianca, grandma said to her, "Please wait outside, I am coming with you to see Rayne now"

Replying "Ok", Bianca turned and left.

Making a quick phone call, grandma didn't even look at me, she grabbed her bag and walked out her chambers.

Thinking to myself about what could I do now, I went to my room.

Going inside, I was reminded of Rayne and how much I missed her, but still I felt it was my duty as Everly's brother to give her justice for what happened to her.

Turning around to leave my room, I decided to go to my office to catch up on some of my work.

Maybe work would be my solution for now to ease my mind of this troubling thoughts.

Opening up some of the letters, I have received from my people, I read the first one...

Dear Sir/Your majesty

Please help my family and I, we have no food or water in our house, due to my husband getting retrenched from work. I have requested for some part time work and help from the palace, but till now nobody has come to help. Please can you help us, we are old and have no dependents to request help from.

Leaving that letter down, I opened up another letter that read


Greetings Prince

My son is 7 years old and I am unable to send him to school, because of no water in our area, please I request your help to sort out our water situation here.

Another letter I picked up, had me really staring at it... It was a letter from recently.


Dear Your Majesty

I just wanted to thank you for giving us such a wonderful princess. She has helped my family and some many other people in so many ways here. We truly are so grateful. Long life to our future king and his queen.

Opening up more letters from my people, I read about how greatful they were for Rayne's help to them. Majority of these letters, were from people thanking me for marrying Rayne. My people were so impressed with her. As much as I try to deny it but even in my life Rayne makes a difference in so many ways.

Her love and care to make me happy, but is it enough for me to forget what her brother did.... In my heart I knew the answer but I refused to believe it.

Going through more letters, I just sighed...... as I read it.

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