(Chapter 10) Allowing Her To Go Dance

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Going to fetch Rayne from her room earlier on, I got stuck for words because of how stunning she looked.

I got her the dress because I knew she would be uncomfortable with the neckline but she looked anything but uncomfortable, she pulled it off with style and elegance if I should say so myself.

As she sat in my car, I glanced at her cleavage and could still see the hickies I had left two nights ago on her, which she tried to cover up with powder.

Getting myself to turn away, I started my car and drove to my hotel where the dinner party was being held.

Arriving there, my butler came and opened my door for me to come out.

Before getting off, I let Rayne know that I expected her on her best behaviour tonight or she knew what the consequences would be.

Giving me a disgusted look as she was about to say something but seemed to think twice, before she simply nodded.

Watching all the camera flashes around me, I went over to Rayne's side and opened her door, taking her hand in mine as I brought her out.

Reporters were everywhere, asking unnecessary questions about our relationship.

Telling them all that she was my wife, I pushed them aside as I led her inside.

Taking her hand in mine, we walked in attracting the attention of everyone.

All of the females were glaring at Rayne but she just smiled at them oblivious to their hateful gazes.

Seeing a few of my business rivals, I approached them with Rayne and introduced them to her.

Watching their lustful gazes on my wife, was driving me crazy, so I kindly excused ourselves and left taking Rayne with me.

One of the waiters then approached us and I took 2 flutes of champagne for Rayne and I.

Accepting it, she thanked me and tried to leave my hand, which only made me tighten my grip more.

Seeing all the couples dancing, I asked her to dance but she said "No", she didn't feel like it.

Not wanting to cause a scene, I whispered to her, to dance with me, which she pretended not to hear.

Suddenly one of my rivals Timothy came and asked her to dance, which she gladly accepted, waiting for my go ahead, they both looked at me, which I was forced to agree to.

Watching as she allowed Timothy to hold her, I felt my blood boil.

To make matters worse, he told her something in her ear, which caused her to laugh out loud.

I remember when she used to laugh at whatever I used to say.

From the time we came home till now, she has not even smiled at me and I don't blame her.

Once again I have to remind myself about how much I didn't really care, to get my thoughts in line, but still it didn't stop the rage flowing through my veins as I watched them chatting and dancing.

Going up to them, I cut in, telling Timothy, I would like my beautiful wife back to dance with me.

Agreeing to my request, he stepped back, allowing me to take my wife in my arms as our bodies swayed to the music.

Inhaling her intoxicating fragrance, I remembered the taste of every bit of her as my mind drift to our long passionate night together.

Of our mutual ecstasy.

A few minutes later, she excused herself to go to the lady's room, which I reluctantly allowed.

Watching her walk away, I went to refill my glass.

As I was waiting for my refill, Cassidy an old childhood friend of my sister, came to greet me.

Smiling at her, she caught me and hugged me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Rayne looking at us, before walking away in another direction.

Wanting to go after her, I tried excusing myself but Cassidy just kept on speaking.

Finally managing to slip away, I went in search of Rayne and found her, standing on the balcony, looking out at the view.

Standing and watching her, I got lost in  the way her hair moved in the wind, revealing the skin on her neck.

Looking at the way her dress hugged her figure, I wished I was that dress for a second.

Hearing someone clearing their throat caused me to remember where I currently was and I turned and looked at an old friend Maxwell whom I have not seen in ages.

"She's a beauty, don't you think?", he said

Looking at Rayne once again, I replied, "Indeed she is"

What he said next threw me off and made my blood boil....

"Let's place a bet then, from the both of us, let's see who she would go home with tonight, you or I?", he said, practically eye fucking her.

Within seconds, I punched him in the jaw, and told him, the woman he wants to bet on will be coming with me home tonight because only I as her husband have the right to take her home.

Apologising, he walked away from me.

As I made my way to go by Rayne, I noticed alot of men looking at her as she stood on the balcony.

At that moment, I regretted having bought her that dress because of how many eyes were on her cleavage.

Taking off my coat, I went behind her and placed it around her shoulders.

Turning to me, she told me to please take her home.

Agreeing to her request, I took her hand and led her outside to my car.

Bidding my butler good night, I drove us home.

As I drove, I saw Rayne place her head against the door and close her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Once we reached home, I saw that Rayne had fallen into a deep sleep, so I just sat there and watched her, admiring her beauty, looking at the skin I had touched only 2 nights ago, I allowed my eyes to travel everywhere on her.

Thinking of all the nights I had watched her from my balcony not so long ago, I knew finally she was mine and nobody could touch her.

She was mine to do as I pleased with, no more watching her, from a house across the road.

I just wish she was mine in different circumstances, but it is what it is now, I can't change things.

Finally deciding, it was getting abit too chilly, I went around to her side of the car, opened her door and carried her out, straight to my bed, where I laid her there and proceeded to cover her, straight after getting into the bed as well.

Pulling her close, I heard her mumble something in her sleep, then fell off to sleep within seconds myself.

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