(Chapter 13) Meeting My Sister In Law For The First Time

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Staring out the window as I was going to my new home, a home I wished to have in a different situation.

In my current situation, I wished to run away from it all....

Thinking back to how Kellen almost killed me earlier on, I felt the tears rolling down my face.

Wiping it away, I wondered,
why was he punishing me, why, I internally screamed.

Feeling more depressed than ever, I heard Kellen say that his grandma would be waiting to welcome us, so I better be on my best behaviour and not let her suspect anything.

Turning away, I mumbled to myself, Why, so she doesn't catch on, that her grandson is a dick...?, which I am glad he didn't hear.

Thinking back to when I met grandma for the first time, she was very judgemental of Kellen and my relationship but Kellen managed to convince her that he truly loved me, and for that I was grateful at the time because she was happy that her grandson found someone he loved.

Ha, what a joke!

If only she knew, she wouldn't be so happy at all.

Afterwards she asked to spend some time alone with me and we really bonded and found we had alot of things similar to each other.

I got the chance to get to know her and she came to love me, the exact same way I loved her.

Thinking about how I won her approval, atleast saves me from the anxiety that I am experiencing at the moment.

I was abit nervous about seeing her again.....

Could I hide the way I really felt towards Kellen and his treatment towards me?....

Bringing my thoughts back to reality, I straightened my dress, and nodded at Kellen, since I knew he was waiting for an answer to his statement.

When we came to a stop, I noticed 2 big iron gates with 4 guards standing there in uniform.

Opening the gates, they all saluted our car.

Driving further in, past beautiful landscapes and vineyards, I saw the palace come into view.

Admiring the beautiful scenery ahead, I thought about how big and magnificent it looked.

Once the limo came to a stop, Kellen's grandma came to our door and opened it, pulling him into a big hug, before doing the same with me.

Smiling at her, I said "Grandma, how are you doing?"

Looking at both Kellen and I with so much joy, she told me she was fine but feels even better now that we are here.

Linking her arm with mine , she led me inside to a massive room with alot of couches, for us to sit down.

Taking my hands in her's, she questioned me about how was my trip here, whether I was suffering from jet lag to which I told her, the trip was way too long and no I wasn't suffering from jet lag at all.

Smiling at my answer, she caught me and hugged me once again, just as Kellen walked in, coming to sit next to grandma.

Taking grandma's hand in his, he complained about her forgetting about him, since I came.

Rolling my eyes, I went to the window to look outside, while Kellen caught up with his grandma.

Hearing grandma speaking to me, I turned around and asked her to repeat herself, so she asked me again, if her grandson was treating me well.

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