(Chapter 29) Threatening Her To Take Her back

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Waking up this morning, I felt like a new person, I was going to do my best to get the career I dreamt of having.

I only have a little while more to go. I stayed up last night thinking of Kellen.

What a wrong impression he has about me and my family. He claimed to love me but he never did, if he did he would have trusted me and told me the truth.

Packing my bag, I told Bianca, I would get breakfast on my way to class.

Saying my goodbyes to Bianca and Lucia, I ran off.

Stopping at a shop near school, I ordered a doughnut and coffee to have.

As I was about to sit down, someone grabbed my chair, pulling it back for me.

Looking up at the person, I automatically smiled at him, seeing that it was Dario.

"Heyyy what are you doing here", I asked

"Getting my morning coffee and you?", he asked

"Same here", I told him, as we sat down and spoke as we ate. I was halfway through with my coffee, before I heard a familiar voice speaking....

"Dario what are you doing with my wife", Kellen screamed at Dario

Dario looked at Kellen then at me and with raised eyebrows, he asked "Your wife?"

Looking at Dario, Kellen said "That's right, Rayne is my wife", as he pushed Dario back.

Looking at the commotion about to happen, I said "Kellen get away from here"

That's when Kellen looked at me and his eyes softened for a split second before it turned full of fury, as he opened his mouth to speak....

"Rayne is this what you have been up to while you are away from me? How long have you known Dario for?"

"What the hell is your problem man? You said that she is your wife but when I met her, she didn't even mention you? How can our country rely on a man like you as our king?", Dario yelled at Kellen.

Knowing this was the start of a big problem and also seeing the attention we were attracting, I spoke to Dario.....

"Dario, Kellen is my husband. Please can you excuse my husband and I. I would like to have a word with him?"

Walking outside, Kellen followed me. Before he could say a word to me, I spoke...

"Kellen do you have a car here, because I would like to talk in there to you?"

Pointing at his car, I went and stood by it, waiting for him to open the door, so he proceeded to open the doors and I quitely jumped in,waiting for him.

Getting in, he started to turn on the engine but I stopped him

"Wait", I said.

"I want to talk not let you drive me anywhere!"

Staring at me for a few seconds, Kellen spoke,
"Is it because of him that you won't come with me? Are you leaving me because of Dario, Rayne?", he questioned

Looking at Kellen with raised eyebrows, I answered...

"No, it is not because of Dario. Dario is my friend. Kellen I want a divorce from you because I hate you and I don't want to have anything to do with you. You are evil and I cannot be with an evil person in my life. I want you to stay away from me and never ever come near me again, I screamed at Kellen", literally crying when I said the last part.

Looking at me, Kellen said "Baby, I know what I did was bad, I hate myself for doing that. It's just that I was so angry and I let that anger get to me. Please don't leave me. Please forgive me"

Looking at Kellen like he has grown two heads, I said "No, I don't forgive you and I never will. I want you out of my life Kellen and want nothing more to do with you"

Having said that I placed my hand on the door handle to open it but Kellen started his car and drove off.

"What are you doing Kellen. I want to go out now. Let me out this instant or I will scream, I swear"

Not bothering about my outburst, Kellen said "I will stop in a little while after I speak to you. I am just going to go somewhere more private."

"No, I am done speaking to you. Let me out please!", I cried to Kellen but he still carried on driving.

Arriving at a forest, Kellen stopped the car and unlocked the doors.

Opening the door as fast as I could and jumping out, I tried to put as much distance as I could between Kellen and I but he still came to me.

Absolutely scared for my life, I asked "Kellen, are you going to kill me and dump my body here?"

Surprised at my words, he said I would never dream of that Rayne, I just want to speak to you.

"OK, you have 5 minutes, so speak and then let me go!", I said

Smirking, he replied "I can never let you go baby."

"Talk fast Kellen, please, I need to go", I pleaded

"Rayne, please forgive me. Don't leave me, I know I made so many mistakes, I will never do it again, I promise. Just please forgive me. You are my wife and we should be together." Kellen begged

"Forgive! Why should I?", I yelled

Signalling him to wait I spoke..

"You will never do it again, how do I know for sure that you will not lose you temper and rape me again or even kill me?", I questioned him.
"And wife, when did you realise that?, Huh, you never treated me like I was your wife, I was nothing more than your doormat to you", I cried

Coming to me, he tried holding me but I screamed at him, "Don't you dare touch me Kellen, you are nothing to me, I loved you but you pushed my love away. I am never coming back to the palace with you"

"Baby please, I am so sorry, I will never do what I did to you again, I promise, just give me one chance to prove to you what I am saying is true, please Mia regina", Kellen begged but I didn't want to hear it.

"Rayne, by law you are my wife, I am begging you to come back with me nicely, if you don't, I will be forced to go through drastic measures, to get you home. For you, I am willing to kill the entire world to keep you, so I am going to start off with your father, I have my men near him, right now, see this, Kellen pulls out his phone and shows me a video of my dad, with his men in his firm. It would take one word from me and he would be gone, so I suggest you listen to me."

" I knew it Kellen, I knew you were evil. You are obsessed with me. I knew it won't be long before you show me your true colors, but it happened even faster than I thought.", I laughed out

"Baby I am only doing what I feel is right not to lose you and yes I am obsessed with you because you are the only woman I have ever let into my heart, so its your choice, it's either you are coming home with me or I make the call, you choose."

"Kellen even if I come home with you, I will never love you again"

"That's fine with me Mia regina", Kellen said.

Getting into the car, he looked at me before driving me to Bianca's house to pick up my clothes.

Getting there, I told Kellen to wait in the car and I will come back in a few minutes.

Jumping out, I went in to get my bag. Seeing Bianca, I caught her in a hug as I told her, I am going back to the palace and she should be there early the next morning, then we could speak.

Turning around, I walked out the door to Kellen.

Getting into his car, I sat quitely as Kellen drove off.

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