(Chapter 19) Watching My Wife

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Last night, I could longer hold myself back from wanting Rayne, so I gave in and one thing lead to the other.

Waking up this morning, I regretted what happened between us.

I woke up early and got ready to go start work, I didn't expect her to wake up so early and find me in the room.

She got up and once she saw me, she gave me her magical smile, before saying "Good morning"

I wanted to reply to her, but I managed to remember my purpose of marrying her, so I ignored her, finishing up before I could leave.

Thinking to myself, that I needed to make things clear with her, I told her not to think too much about what happened between us and so on.

I could clearly see the hurt that shone in her eyes, she couldn't cover it up, so I thought I would make things easier for her by asking her if she wanted me to find someone else?

What I didn't expect though, was her telling me to do that.

Thinking to myself, Noooo ways!....

I saw her get up, with the bedsheets around her as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Lost in my thoughts about her rely I knew I couldn't do that.

Deciding to forget about it, I tried walking out of the room but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own.

I walked straight into the bathroom.

I was going to go in and tell her something bad or that I didn't want anyone else besides her, but I lost all sense of reasoning, seeing her there, standing naked, just about to go in the shower.

Pulling her out, I told her that she is mine and I have every right over her body, just as I lost control over my feelings and ended up fucking her with my fingers.

Trying for the life of me, to get some control over myself, because at that moment, all I wanted to do was put her down, turn her around and fuck her against the door, making her scream out my name over and over again.

Once she had come, I put her down, washed my hands and went out.

Needing to put some distance between us, I went to one of my sites to see how the construction for the new building was coming along.

Listening to the site manager explain about their work, I heard my phone ring in my pocket.

Taking it out, I answered it. Seeing that it was the palace driver on the line, I asked him to speak.

He told me that my wife wanted him to take her into town, so I gave him permission to do so.

I gave the go-ahead for the site manager to carry on speaking, but my mind traveled, wondering what Rayne was up to, why did she need to go to town.

Excusing myself, I decided to go and check what was going on myself.

I saw Rayne speaking to a lady, who she gave money to before that lady gave Rayne a set of keys.

Now I really was wondering what was going on. Did Rayne want to move out from the palace, away from me?

She had to be dreaming, because I would never allow it!

Watching her getting into the car, she asked the driver to take her to the shelter, where she went in for a few minutes.

I saw her come out with Bianca and Lucia soon after, making them both get into the car, following the car, I saw the driver take them to the house, she was at previously, where she took them inside for a while before she came out by herself.

I then saw her speak to the driver, telling him something to which he nodded at, before she walked away from there.

Jumping out my car, I went up to my driver to inquire where she was going to.

He told me that she said she is going for a walk into town to look around and will be back soon.

Getting into my car, I went to find her and when I did, I parked and watched her, walk into the shops buying bags and bags of stuff, carrying them all back to the house where Bianca was at.

After giving the bags to Bianca, she followed her in. After a few minutes, they all got into the car, so I followed the car and saw them get off at the hospital, after enquiring at the hospital, I learnt that my wife had brought Bianca for her scan.

I wanted to leave, since I knew what Rayne was doing but could not even make myself go away.

I wanted to keep watching her, learning about she was up to.

As soon as they were done, I watched Rayne take Bianca and Lucia to a pizza place, where they ordered 2 large pizzas and milkshakes for themselves.

When they were done, I watched Rayne open her purse, take out some money and give to Bianca, which she took, thanking her in return.

Rayne went and dropped them at home and got back into the car.

Following her once again, I saw her going back to the palace.

Jumping off my car, I went inside.

Going up to my room, I heard the shower running, so I waited on the bed with my laptop, pretending to work, until she came out.

With her towel wrapped around herself, she screamed when she saw me, saying I frightened her.

Not even bothering to look at her, I continued to work on my laptop, so she went into her wardrobe and came out dressed up, before exiting the room.

Getting up, I went and took a shower myself before going to my office to work on some projects I was starting up.

Thinking to myself, I wondered if I should ask Rayne if she wanted to take over some of them from me because of what I had seen today.

Leaving my office, I went to the driver to ask him to take me to the shelters around because I wanted to see things upfront for myself.

Getting into the car, he lowered the window before speaking to me.

"Your highness if I may, can I say something? " he asked

Giving him the go-ahead to speak, he looked at me and said "Your wife has a very big heart!

What she did today for that young lady and her child was absolutely remarkable. To me, she will make an amazing Queen one day."

Nodding my head, I just replied, "Yeh", lost in thoughts about my wife.

Arriving at the first shelter, I walked around looking at the people there and the amount of children running around. The shelter looked old and shabby and while speaking to a couple of people there, I had learnt that there wasn't even proper running water there.

Taking that into consideration, I went to more shelters and found out about the problems they were also experiencing, thinking to myself, I realized that my wife managed to sort one family's problems but there were so many more people and places that were going through around the same things.

It was my duty as soon to be King of this land to do something about it.

Going back to the palace, I called the royal adviser for some advice on getting things started.

After spending hours talking to him and finally coming to a solution, I went to my room.

Opening the door and going in, I saw the moonlight hit on Rayne, making her beauty shine even more as she slept.

After taking a shower, I got into my bed and pulled my wife against me, as I inhaled her intoxicating scent and surrendered myself to sleep.

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