(Chapter 30) Coming To An Understanding

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Going back to the palace with Kellen wasn't what I expected.

I didn't think that he would threaten me to get me back, but then again Kellen is Kellen.

I knew that much about him already, he always got what he wanted, even if it meant hurting others.

Only time would tell if he did love me or not. I was just scared that he would destroy me completely before he finds his way.

I loved him, that I was sure of but forgiving him and giving him another chance, I am not so sure of yet.

Once we reached the palace, I opened my door and went out, going inside the palace.

All the maids and servants standing and bowing to me as I entered.

Having left my bags still in the car, I saw Kellen carrying them inside. Without saying anything, I went into mine and Kellen's room, with him following afterwards.

He put my bags on the bed and I went to it and started unpacking. Not looking at him, I spoke....

"We need to set some rules here, since I am back, Kellen! I want nothing to do with you. You are not allowed to touch me ever. I want you to find another room away from this one... "

"But why Rayne"

Putting my hand up to silence him, I carried on with my rules...

"I want to help you with your projects for the orphanages and shelters. Your building projects for the mall, I want to be a part of it.

Also I hate you so don't you dare think that has changed or will change. Lastly I am giving you abit of time to gather your stuff and get out of my room."

All I heard Kellen say was "OK" before walking out, closing the door behind him.

Thinking to myself that he didn't even take his clothes as yet, but who cares.

After I was done packing, I walked into my closet and brought out some clothes, I would use after I bath.

Going into the bathroom, I let the tap run, while I looked at my still very visible bruises on my thighs and arms.

Deciding maybe some Epsom salt might help to clear any bacteria around it away, I dropped a handful inside the tub.

Going inside, I sat down and let the water help relieve the pain on my body.

About half an hour later, I got out and went into my room with the towel wrapped around me.

Going into my closet, I rubbed my lotion and put some arnica cream on my bruises, before stepping out.

As I stepped out, I felt my skin leave my body as I got a surprise seeing Kellen sitting on the bed.

Thinking to myself maybe he was there to get his stuff, I went back into my closet to get my towel to wrap around myself before coming out to get my clothes and go back in.

I knew that Kellen was watching me carefully but that didn't seem to bother me.

I needed to be away from him.

So as fast as possible I dressed up before coming out and leaving the room.

Going into the kitchen, I went and prepared something to eat for myself.

Sitting down, Kellen came and joined me, taking a slice of my sandwich and eating it.

He looked at me and smiled.

Rolling my eyes at him, I got up to take my dishes to the sink.

Straight after, I saw him getting up and going out, wondering where he was off to but I didn't bother to ask.

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