let's continue??

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So i rewatched IT and i've been talking to some friends who were in the phase with me and i was like "lol i have 100k reads on a fanfic i did back in 2018"
and they were SHOCKED. so i pulled up this little angel of an app and showed them.

What surprised me was the fact that i still had people adding this to their libraries like.. 22 hours ago.. so. you guys are freaks 1. and 2. i've been reading comments and like giggling and swinging my feet and i kind of want to continue??

In my last update i said i would rewrite the story because this sucks. i had just turned 14 when i started writing and it's absolutely not grammatically correct and terrible cause fuck dyslexic people; i never got past the first chapter when i started to rewrite. so, what if, i don't rewrite but just continue!!! Obviously not a lot, just a few chapters to set the story straight and end on a better note..?

If that sounds like something that would interest the 'quirky child-tweenager reddie heart' i know you all have, then let me know!!!

But be weary, i am literally in college and it is the end of april which means finals!!! so the updates would be spaced because i have a lot of work to get done, but i promise to pour my little 'quirky tweenage reddie heart' into the chapters.

just give me a quick 3hour 10 minute re read of whatever the fuck i wrote and called a 'book' and we'll be set straight.. or gay or something.

(also the little art thing up there is a drawing i did of the one and only wyatt oleff i did may 10th 2022 so give my old art some love!!!) (pls) (also name reveal ig hi i'm cj)
bye 💝💝
oh and i'm also straight #comingout #plssupport #ilovethegays

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