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Idk some blonde bitch i guess lolol

It's been so long!! I'm sorry :(:( I love you guys so much <3<3

remember i do have an au on insta if you wanna check that out :)

The boys followed the train tracks, close to the woods until a path opened up. Eddie's eyes trailed down the path and decided to walk down it.
"Ah yes, i love going down ominous trails." Richie laughed while running his hands through the array of purple flowers. He picked out a handful of them and started bending them into a circle.

Eddie rolled his eyes and let his mind wander around, looking at all the trees, wishing he could take pictures of all the bugs and insects.
The feeling of Richie treading behind him was
comforting to Eddie, as he smiled and shut his eyes. The birds chirped all around him.

'Stanley would love it here.' Eddie thought, he opened his eyes to witness how beautiful nature is. Eddie stretches his arms out letting the sun beam onto him.

"Give me your arm." Richie said, stepping right next to Eddie. He complied, lifting up his arm. Richie placed a small flower bracelet around and kissed his hand.
"How romantic." Eddie rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Rich."

"So, where are we going? You're not taking me out in the woods to murder me or anything?" Richie jokes. Even though he was the one with the powers and technical strength, Eddie was stronger in many other ways.

He stood up to his mother, helped fight drones even when he was injured and knew his Mother was the villain. He stuck up for himself against Connor. But Richie knew, above all, that deep deep down, Eddie forgives Connor.

In the time on the train, when everything was dark and Eddie was crying. Eddie had thought about what Connor had said.
'A human can't cause that kind of bruising.' Connors words repeated over and over in Eddie's mind. He hadn't realized it before, when his eyes opened to look up at Connor hitting him, Connor glitched.

It all became clear to Eddie now, that wasn't actually Connor. Mysterio never wanted Eddie to find out about his real family, so he made 'Connor' tarnish the reputation.

It was hard for Eddie to explain to Richie, as he wouldn't listen. It came as a shock, after everything that had been drilled into Richies mind, it would be hard for him to forgive Connor too. They agreed not to talk about him again that night.

"No, i'm just following my instincts." Eddie said.

Richie dropped his body to the floor, "i'm so tired of walking!!" he complained

"Get used to it."

"I don't have to." Richie smiled shooting his webs up into the trees swinging around. Eddie scoffed and crossed his arms, Rochie stopped for a second and snickered. He shot a web at Eddie and pulled him up into the trees.

"AAAGH WHAT THE FUCK!!" Eddie screamed as they launched into the air. Eddie clutched onto Richies waist as they swung, his eyes slowly opening into the world below him.
And that's when Eddie spotted it, a junkyard.

"Rich, let's go there." said Eddie, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt, Richie landing down into an area with the least trash.
"For a junkyard, this place doesn't smell as terrible as I thought." Richie said, examining his surroundings. "Ed's are you sure you wanna be here? Do you know how many germs a junkyard has?"

"Nope. And i don't care." Eddie responded with a smile. "Look!" he pointed. There was a small place next to a boat in the yard. The windows were smashed out, there was an old dresser and dart board inside.

"Woah." Richie breathed out. The place of junk looked kind of comfy. Richie picked up a cool looking bat and started to examine it.

"We could stay here." Eddie claimed. "Or maybe you don't but I could."

"Wait. What?" Richie dropped the bat "What're you saying?"

Sorry it's so short :(:(
i have lots of homework

thank you for reading ♥️♥️♥️

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