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here's a little drawing i did, it kinda looks like eddie if he could actually dress good.

kinda scared we're getting closer to the face reveal

lord forgive me
but i have a feeling y'all are gonna like this chapter.

buckle up


spiderman woke up to eddie across from him, eddies head was down in his hands.

spiderman sat up "eds. are you okay?"

eddie picked his head up "hmm, yeah. just somethings on my mind" he chuckled softly.

spiderman smiled and held out his hand
"come on, this is our stop."

eddie smiled back. he grabbed spiderman's hand and let the suited boy drag him off the bus with a laugh.

eddie opened the front door nervously, worried his mothe- sonia, would be sitting in the fucking recliner like always.

but she wasn't and eddie didn't care enough to look around the house for her.

eddie clasped spiderman's hand harder and led him up the stairs. eddies room had more of a warm feel.

"don't sit down and get blood anywhere, stay here." eddie said he took of spiderman's sweatshirt and folded it on his dresser then ran toward the bathroom.
a few seconds later he came back with a med kit.

"uh, spiderman?"


"i uh, i need you to, take off your suit.."

spiderman let out a chuckle

"i- i mean i could give you clothes and, uh, you can keep on your mask- if you want. you don't have to hide your identity." eddie held out clothes "these were my fathers, probably the only things that would fit you, other than my moms clothes but- anyways here."

spiderman grabbed the clothes and laughed. he examined what he got, a white tank top and shorts. he guessed it'll work.
"thanks eds."

he started to slip off the suit, eddie could see a giant gash on his shoulder.

eddie almost didn't want to look away,
"you, you can get changed in the bathroom ya know." eddie informed, face redder than his shorts.

"right, right. bathroom." spiderman threw up fingerguns and walked awkwardly to the bathroom.

spiderman came back into eddies room, his arms covering his chest. you could tell he wanted to shrink up and disappear from this embarrassment- but one look at eddies face and he was back to normal.

eddie was gazing over him, sure, he was pretty skinny but he was at a rather healthy weight. all those times he had saved the city from a threat really worked his muscles.

"you're, uhm, you're really pretty spiderman. but.. you look kinda weird with just a mask on." he giggled "listen, i know you might think you need to protect your identity but, it's just me? what's the worst that could happen?"

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