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it was around 1:30am and richie is swinging eddie home. richie loves the feeling of having eddies small body wrapped onto him so tightly while he swang, eddie loves the feeling of holding onto the suited figure.. the only one who cared about him.

as beautiful as the night was, the buildings didn't compare to the beauty that is spider-man. underneath the suit and mask eddie knew that there was an amazing, kind, generous person that the brunette couldn't get enough of.

in that moment eddie didn't care about his mother, going to school, or even connor bowers, he only cared about spider-man and the way the boy made him feel.

he didn't understand it, his feeling, but he knew it was strong.

richie landed on eddies side window, the brunette climbed down and opened his window. before he climbed in, he faced spider-man and lifted up his mask a tiny bit. eddie wrapped his arms around the boys slender neck, standing on his tippy toes. he focused on the spiders soft lips, wondering, but he tilted his head and kissed the spiders smooth cheek instead. the way his lips pecked spider-man's cheek felt different than it did the first two times, it felt as if it was right, that it was supposed to happen and that's all that mattered.

"thank you, i'll see you around." eddie smiled pulling the mask over spider-man's face once again while lifting one leg through the window. richie wanted nothing more than to just follow him into his room and spend the night with him. but instead he agreed
"yeah. maybe i'll see you at school. i mean, obviously i'd never say anything but.. maybe."

eddies smile faded for a second but reappeared almost instantly, not slow enough for anyone but richie to notice.
"please don't /not/ talk to me. just don't give it away i guess." both of eddies legs were inside his room but he held his hands out for spider-man to grab. the freckled boy looked at spider-man in the eyes "i know why you cant tell me who you are, don't worry, i won't try and figure it out."

richie squeezed the small boys hands "i'm glad you understand. i'll see you soon eds"

"don't call me that." eddie stuck his tounge he out and shut the window.

"sweet dreams." richie whispered only audible to himself, he swang away.


richie landed on his roof and climbed through the window into his attic bedroom. he threw off the sweatshirt and slipped off the basketball shorts, unzipping his suit and sliding it off to get ready for a shower. while waiting for the water to heat richie took out his contacts and washed his face with soap and a weird lemon product aunt may had gotten him. the mirror started fogging when richie got in, the hot water rolled down his back relaxing his muscles. richies mind wondered, forgetting about the messages from connor he was supposed to reply to.

thirty minutes passed, the shower head dripped the remaining water in the pipe, richies curly hair matted onto his forehead while blow drying it.
the black curls were combed to the best of richies ability. grabbing his colossal glasses he exited the bathroom plopping onto his bed. richie grabbed his phone and decided to answer connor. (just for clarification, connors contact is what richie has in his phone, richies contact is what connor has in his phone.)

maybe connor: hey richie, it's connor

maybe connor: mike gave me your number btw, i had a lot of fun yesterday!

*contact name changed to Connor🍟*

Richie💘: hey con con, srry fr the l8 rspnce, i was out.
                                                      delivered 2:36

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