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i decided to write a spiCy chapter where connor is a big dumb dumb

"hey concon!" richie yelled while meeting the boy at the entrance to the amusement park.
to reply, the curly haired boy laughed and waved as the taller jokester locked his bike up.
they boys started walking toward the park entrance and going through metal detectors. the park opened up into a big area with maps, face paint and you could see a few stores.

richie ran into the store on the left trying on the first pair of glasses he saw, dropping a few on the floor.
"do i look hot?" he asked putting his hand in a finger gun position on his chin.

"no, not in the slightest." connor replied laughing, bending down to pick up the glasses richie had dropped. "jkjkjk yes you do." he added getting a bit more quiet.

richie took the glasses off placing them messily back on the rack and whipped his head back to connor "obviously, i do." he smiled.

"cmon!" richie yelled suddenly grabbing connors hand and running out of the store towards a ride called 'the joker'
connor was having a tough time keeping up with the boys super fast agility basically dragging him, he found himself breathing heavily at the entrance to the ride.

"holy- shit" he gasped "how do you run so. fast?" connor asked, he was holding himself up by his knees.

"c'mon concon it wasn't that bad now was it?"

"whatever, let's just get on." connor put his arm around richies shoulder, richie was a bit taller than connor so the boy held him up perfectly as they walked. richie didn't move connors hand but he kept his own in his pocket.

the boys got into a two seated cart and lifted slowly up into the air, looking out you could see a pond with ducks swimming around.
connor looked at richie, like, really looked at him. he loved the way his coca-cola eyes reflected the light blue pond and the way they crinkled when he smiled. he wasn't wearing his glasses because soon the ride would spin. but connor savored this. savored the way the tall boys black hair hung softly onto his forehead and the way it flowed loosely, he savored the way his scarce freckles laid lightly on his nose and cheeks and how they were so light you wouldn't notice unless you were looking for them.
connor stared at richie, he wanted richie to stare at him in the same way. connor gently brought his hand up to the boys face, cupping the left side.
richie faced connor, he flinched at how close his face was, "you're so pretty" connor whispered. connors hand traced richie confused face, he placed his hand underneath richies chin lifting it slightly.
connor took off his seatbelt to get closer to richie, his hand moved down to richies chest and rested his head onto richies shoulder. richie was scared shitless, soon the boys would be spinning at speeds he didn't even know and connor was here without his seatbelt. if that wasn't the worst of it, richie saw something in the distance. something that looked like a silhouette of a person moving very, very quickly.
"connor put your fucking seatbelt on." richie demanded, not taking his eyes off the silhouette.
"richie if you didn't like me you could've-" richie cut him off, "put your fucking seatbelt on connor!"
the silhouette was getting closer as connor scooted away clicking his seatbelt. just as he did so the ride fell back and spun, then spun, then spun and wouldn't stop spinning. the ride was exhilarating, it was fun, yes, but the silhouette followed richies eyes as it extended it's arm, hitting the ride and breaking it in half.

connor and richie were still at the top.

they were spinning and spinning and then flung off the rail into the air.
"RICHIE!" connor screamed but not able to move enough to look at the boy.
richie knew he could break out and save himself and connor but was also frozen in fear. the ground came closer and closer. the boys prepared for impact..

"oh my god is that iron man!" a child calls from the crowd of people recording.

richie opened his eyes and to his surprise the ground was about a foot away from the cart. it was placed down gently and iron man came to help the boys out. iron man leaned toward richies ear and whispered "go to the bathroom." connor laid on the ground and cried softly as richie told him he needed to pee and ran off to the bathroom.

the inside was empty other than his suit. HIS SUIT. richie looked around and jumped into a stall changing into the spray-painted black spandex.

richie freaked out into the bathroom mirror jumping on one foot to the other he gave himself a much needed pep talk, "okay richie, you're okay. you almost died but it's FINE. there's a bad guy outside and you need to fight him. you got this buddy." he shook his hands and gave himself finger guns then ran out of the bathroom, ready to fight.

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