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HEY EVERYONE. thank you all for reading and commenting, it really means a lot. i love you all sososo much. i'm sorry this chapter might be boring :((

the fight was on, yes, but it wasn't on for as long as you'd expect.

spiderman has previously knocked down the silhouette but as he was talking with eddie, iron man went ham. the silhouette was down and it stayed down with every hit iron man gave out. richie came in at about the end, the silhouette was half dead so a few flying kicks to the head sent the silhouette shrinking down to the size of a car, but instead of death, the silhouette faded away. the black pieces of its skin falling off of its body and disintegrated into the air.

richie was about to turn around and look for eddie but before he could tony already yelled at spiderman to follow him.  richie obliged.

never in his crazy, seriously weird life did richie tozier expect to be face to face with tony stark.

THE tony stark. richie watched in awe as his metal mask pulled back to reveal his face. his face was freshly shaved, hair was slicked back and groomed. richie wondered if his wife did his eyebrows too.

"i'm gonna keep this simple, kid, i need to know what abilities you have and if you have control over them." tony spoke in a low tone, low and serious with a hint of sarcasm.

richie decided to pull off his mask too.
richie's black hair popped out and laid softly onto his forehead. there was a tiny bruise underneath his left eye and a cut in his chin but other than that and a few acne spots that you couldn't even see because of his freckles, his skin was flawless "umm, about a few weeks ago i got hit by a radioactive spider and i got abilities like a spider. and i mean, i've got pretty great control if you ask me." richie replied putting his hands on his hips awkwardly yet proudly.

"so you're this spiderthing. crime fighting spider?spider-boy. is that what you call yourself?" tony asks. richie looked straight at him,

"spiderman." richie said with a bit of uncertainty.

"man?" tony chuckled slightly "how'd you come up with that?" he looked at the look upon the masked boys face.

"i didn't, my friend did." richie crossed his arms and saw the expression on tony's face change.

"a friend of yours knows you're spiderman?" tony asked, his voice deepened.

"well, no, i-" richie stuttered.
tony cut him off, "does anyone else know?"

"nobody." richie replied swaying his body awkwardly.

"not even your unusually attractive aunt?"

"no. no. no, no! if she knew she would freak the fuck out. and when she freaks out i freak out." richie answered in a scared tone putting his hands on his head, eyes wide.

"language, kid. what're you? twelve?" tony crossed his arms

"fifteen." richie responded pulling a hand back through his hair "sorr-"

"you know what i find really cool? this webbing." tony threw one of richies webbing capsules at him which richie caught with one hand.
"tensile strength is off the charts. what manufactured that?" tony leaned toward the small boy.

"i did."

"and how are you climbing on walls, adhesive gloves. i don't think i put that in your suit."

"it's a long stor- wait. you made my suit?" richie asked, his face lit up with a smile.

"i made it red and blue, i have no clue what the hell you did to it."

"holy shit tony stark made my suit!" richies smile brightened.

"can you focus?"

"right, sorry. climbing walls." richie snapped his gloved fingers. "it's like my senses have been dialed 211"

tony was quiet for a bit, he had this expression on his face that richie couldn't quite describe.
tony walked over to richie and awkwardly placed his hand onto the boys shoulder.

"do you have a passport?"

"no- i don't even have a driv-"

"you've never been to germany?!" tony asked, surprised.
"no, i haven't."
"oh you'd love it."
"i can't go to germany!" richie blurted out


"ive got.. school."

"i'm going to pretend you didn't say that." tony took his hand off richies shoulder.

"i-i'm being serious! i cant just drop out of school! people would get suspicious."

tony nodded, he understood.

"well, nice seeing ya kid. i'll be back during july. you're going to germany." tony stated and flew off, didn't even give richie a chance to respond.

richie stood in disbelief that tony stark talked to him, asked him about himself and even made the suit for him. he smiled and looked at his gloves, admiring the detail of the material. he didn't even want to know how tony found out his address for he was to happy on having a suit designed for him. and only him.

richie slipped the mask back on over his curls to go find his eddie spagetti. he saw connor sitting on a bench near the bathrooms probably wishing for richie.. or himself. but richie swung past, he'd return to connor eventually. but right now he swung above the park trying to catch a glimpse of the small brunette, not paying attention to the crowds of people taking photos and videos of him down below.

then, he spotted him. richie wanted to swing down and get him and have him on his back again but, he was being dragged out of the park by the overweight woman he had seen once shopping with may.

there's no way richie could blow the cover of their friendship away by mrs.k spotting him with eddie. so instead he swung out of view and ran into a bathroom to get changed into his normal clothes.

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