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HIII! i'm having writers block and my sickness got worse.
BUT i finished watching "I Am Not Okay With This" and BROOOO
it's so good
anyways, sorry i haven't been updating a lot, i know i promised i would. i'm so sorry :(

i love you all with my whole heart


the window opened in excitement,

"spidey!" eddie smiled and grabbed richie hands to help him into the room.

"hey eddie spagetti, miss me" richie cooed close to eddies face

"you wish, spiderman. and don't call me eddie spagetti, it's weird."

"you love it." richie scoffed

eddie rolled his eyes and sat on his bed, he patted the spot next to him.


"yes, eddie?" richie asked sitting next eddie on the bed

"can we be serious, for a second?" eddie asked

"i mean, sure. anytime." richie replied

"what do i do if i feel like everyone i know in my life always puts me second."

"woah what?" richie picks his feet and sat criss cross on eddies bed, eddie copied him and stared at spiderman's mask. "why do you feel like that?"

eddie looked down, his fingers were picking at his nail polish.

"i have a small group of people who i consider close but.. i don't know."

richie stayed quiet, before him was the beautiful boy that he knew he loved, and that boy is in pain. the pain from weeks ago never stopped, eddie was just good at hiding it. richie felt responsible, if he had just payed attention to eddie he might have been a bit happier.

"i'm sorry if i haven't been a good friend to you, eds." richie said lowering his head

"nonono! not you! you've been an amazing friend." eddie looked at spiderman and picked up his head to make spiderman look in his eyes
"you're the best friend i have."

richie felt the warmth of eddies hands underneath his mask, but it wasn't enough. richie threw out his arms and hugged the smaller boy.
"i promise, i'll never leave. that is my promise to you, spagetti."

eddie hugged back tighter closing his eyes and letting his head rest on spiderman's shoulder.

"promise, promise?" eddie asked in the
softest voice

"promise promise." richie replied giving himself a sad smile.

richie knew eddie didn't love him back, yet here he was, hugging him like he was clueless.

he wanted to kiss him so bad.

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