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here's a little drawing i did.

just a short chapter that won't answer any of your questions!!!
yaaaaaaay... anyways stay home, stay inside, and stay safe. i love you all so much.
thanks for 23k reads ♥️♥️

thanks for 23k reads ♥️♥️

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"not step brother." the figure said reaching for their mask. eddies face dropped

"twin." connor said.

"...what." spiderman said and chuckled awkwardly.

"you're.. my twin? but we look nothing alike!" eddie claimed, confused and kind of insulted.

"yeah, ed's got the good looks- what did you get?" spiderman chuckled. eddie hit him in the stomach, not hard but enough to get him to shut the fuck up.

"it's called fraternal twins. when twins don't look alike at all. and i'd like to think i got the good looks, thank you, spiderman." connor said, crossing his arms

"you can dream, boy." spiderman whispered, reviving another hit in the stomach.

"how long have you known? and who told you? and why did no one tell me? and why did our mother stay with me? and why did you get to be with whoever our dad is- mysterio or whatever. and why-"

"OH MY GOddd stop with the questions eddie. has anyone ever told you how annoying you are god damn." connor groaned, annoyed.

eddie shut up real quick and backed up. he reached his arm out for spiderman's hand and grabbed it tight.

"i'm sorry, ed's i-" connor started
"eddie. my name is eddie."

"sorry. eddie. as i was saying, you were lucky to have grown up with mother because living with dad was a total nightmare. he would come home with a bunch of girls after he got fired from his job with Tony Stark. and he would like ignore me and shit, hed forget that i even existed, and most of all.. go out in the night and work on the drones like they were his life source." connor ranted

eddie stood un-impressed
"oh yeah, sure. that's tough." he sarcastically remarked. connor walked up to eddies face and snarled
"what? like living with a sweet fat lady was tough?" connor snapped.

eddie looked up at connor with dead eyes. he used his pointer finger to poke at Connors chest with a frown.
"imagine living your life after the only person who made you feel safe and happy in the world died from cancer and then your mother shoves at least twenty pills down your throat daily. she'd sneak pills into my food, my drinks, she made me wear a fanny pack! she made me believe that everyone around me had aids and that the only way i would be protected, is by staying in my room all day while she watched television on the same couch my dad would sit in. if i tried to do anything fun she'd shut it down immediately and baby me like i was a kid or something! so don't you dare tell me that i had it good, or i swear to fuck, i will shove giant ass pills down your throat." eddie took one final poke at connors chest and left him stunned.
connor put his hands up in defeat while eddie wiped his eyes trying not to let the tears show. he was strong, he was just damaged.

in that moment richie took aback, he hadn't forgot, but he repressed the memory of when eddie and him first met. richies stomach dropped when thinking about that night, eddie standing on top of that building. he had wanted to forget but it all hit him in one moment.
"eddie." spiderman breathed out, tears welling up in his eyes. Eddie turned to him and ran into his arms burrowing his head in spidermans chest.

connor had fucked up.

"connor. leave. i'm serious." spiderman spoke with a cool tone.

"spiderman, i'm.. i'm sorry." connor said pulling back on his mask and jumping on his drone.

"sure you are. bud."
connor crouched down and let the drone turn
him invisible as he left. richie kneeled dawn with eddie and squeezed him. he used his pointer finger to run circles on eddies back to calm him down. eddie let out a sob.

"are you crying because you're related to such an ugly dude." richie said trying to lighten the mood. eddie chuckled and lifted his head up.

"i don't fucking care." eddie smiled and he took of the mask richie was wearing and kissed him, hard. their lips synchronized, eddie stood on his knees to get higher into the kiss, his hands on both of richies cheeks then moved to his hair- tugging on it slightly. richie then stood on his knees and smiled into the kiss.
they let go for air but yo-yo'd right back. they felt belonging in each other's arms, in each other's kiss. even if it was for a moment, they were happy.

"this is probably the worst time for a kiss." eddie laughed, resting his forehead onto richies.

"yeah i-" richie started "wait."
richie lifted up his head and closed his eyes, his spidersense started to pick up something. richie reaches for the mask connor gave him and put it on
"someone's here." he said.

make sure you vote for the chapter- it helps me out a lot 🥺♥️

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