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first of all, i'd like to thank everyone who adds my story to their reading lists!!! thank you all so much :) ♥️♥️♥️
but anyway heyyy y'all, short update/filler today

make sure you read to the end because i have a special announcement that i think y'all will like
(i love you!!)

connor never tried being subtle about his crush on richie, being high made him want to flirt his head off. sitting in front of richie he had a clear view of his eyes and stared straight into them.
"your eyes are so pretty, richie." connor smiled.
eddie put his hand on top of the one richie had on his shoulder looking straight at connor.

richie's face turned a new shade of red while he felt eddies fingers trace the bones on his hand.
Connor didn't bat an eye, he stared straight into richie chocolate eyes and smiled. connor fluttered his eyes over at eddie's giving him a look that eddie knew all too well.

eddie immediately took his hand off richies to stare out the window again.

connor smirked, "i really like your shirt, the frog really suits you, ya know?" he chuckled.

"uhh, yeah.. thanks" richie smiled, he looked toward eddie and tapped his shoulder, eddie brought his sad eyes toward richies "i'll be back, kay?" eddie smiled and grabbed his bag, he didn't give richie time to respond, eddie was halfway out of the lunchroom.

Richie started to stand up to follow eddie but he was pulled back down by connors grip. 'don't leave me richieieieiee" connor pleaded.

"connor, youre high." betty jumped in, she shook connors hand to let his grip go, richie ventured out to go find eddie leaving ben alone with beverly marsh staring straight at him.

"eddie?" richie called quietly around the school to no avail. "eds?" he walks into the bathroom on the father part in the school
richie peered under the stall at a pair of green vans barley touching the floor.
"eddie! what are you doing in here?"

"richie?" eddie sniffled "i'm just... peeing."

"you sit down to pee? and you're in the farthest bathroom from the cafeteria." richie approached the stall

"yep. yeah that's.. yeah."

"eddie- tell me what's going on." rich put his hand on the stall door tapping slightly.

taps that sounded so familiar to eddie though he didn't know why. eddie unlocked the stall door walking out to face richie. tears were streaming down his brown eyes and freckled pink cheeks. his mouth was curved downwards.

"oh eddie," richie shivered placing his hand on eddies cheek wiping the tears away. "don't cry, it's okay. what happened?"

eddie looked down "he told me not to tell you."

"who?" richie asked, cupping his face with his other hand

eddie put his hands onto richie and looked his dead in the eyes


okay so- i'm sorry fo leave you off on a cliff hanger BUT i am writing a stenbrough headcannon called 'sing'
if you're interested in reading it, tell me so i can put a lil preview in the next update :) ♥️
(this is the cover art)

okay so- i'm sorry fo leave you off on a cliff hanger BUT i am writing a stenbrough headcannon called 'sing' if you're interested in reading it, tell me so i can put a lil preview in the next update :) ♥️(this is the cover art)

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!!not finished yet but i plan to finish soon!!

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