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(this is REDDIE!! Not fack. Please don't ship the actors)

thank you for clicking on my story holy shit. i literally love you so so much.
i really hope you enjoy 🥺🤧
lowercase intended, i'm baby.

!i promise you the writing will get better!

black converse hit the top of a tall building in new york, stopping at the edge, just barely leaning over.

these converse belong to the one and only richie tozier but most people will know him as spider-man.

he sat down on the end, adoring the view and dreading going to school in exactly one week.

"no crimes today." he huffed, running his gloved hand through natural black curls that fell softly a bit below his neck. he needed a trim but knew he would never get one.
"though, i don't know how to find crime yet." he confessed to himself

stretching his legs out over the sides, he studied the white doodles all over his converse. he wore converse outside of his suit to make all the jumps less painful. richies 'magic' touch can make the souls of the shoes stick and unstick. plus, they matched the black spandex his suit was made out of.

just as he was about to crack his back and look at the stars his spider sense caught something out of the corner of his eye, a boy had just jumped from a 20 story building.

fast as lightning richie pulled his mask over his face, curls slicked down giving it a smooth look and he jumped.

swinging toward the boy, his heart rate picking up.
"what if i don't make it, what if he falls, what if i miss, what if i can't catch him, what if he dies!" richies thoughts swarmed his brain. not resting, his arms picked up the pace as his mask caught the water from his eyes.

it seemed the boy was falling faster and faster
richie thought he couldn't make it.
he thought the boy was going to die.
he fell so fast he was already more than halfway down.

but richie was gaining

he swung faster and then he caught the boy with his one arm, swinging to safety.

the boys eyes were closed, richie landed on the closest platform and lightly laid the body down.

richie was freaking out, he couldn't control his thoughts. everything was going so fast he couldn't believe he made it.

"why.?" the boy questioned.

richie snapped back to reality, he fully took notice of the boy. his brown hair matched with brown eyes, a pink polo shirt paired with red shorts and red nike's. and.. a fanny pack around his waist.

"why what?" he questioned as the boy opened his fanny pack pulling out an inhaler.

"why did you save me..?"

the other you - reddie spider-man auWhere stories live. Discover now