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Little drawing of Wyatt for today :)

I'm sorry i haven't updated in so long- i've been busy with schoolwork AND i've also made an instagram au!!
I decided to make this book into a twitter au for fun and it's been going pretty well.
More details at the end :)

The train ride seemed to go on forever, Eddie ended up sitting at the edge of the train letting his feet dangle out of the cart. Richie stood up and walked over towards Eddie, sitting down right beside him. Eddie didn't show it, but inside he was hurting. Eddie hadn't been showing his emotions for a long while.
richie didn't know how to comfort the boy, he felt as if everything that had happened was his fault.

Richie just placed his hand onto eddies and held it. That seemed to be enough for Eddie since a smile couldn't keep away from the small boy's freckled face. Although tears streamed down Eddie's face, he felt comforted by the only boy who had ever cared about him.

"rich." Eddie started, not moving his face off of the view of the sunrise.
"yeah, ed's?" richie asked, pulling his entire body to face the small boy, holding onto his hand like it was the only human he ever saw.

Eddie turned his face towards Richie, not hiding the tears and snot running down his face "i'm scared.". Richie pulled Eddie
"me too, love. me too." Richie confessed, letting Eddie lean his head on his shoulder. "but.. it'll be okay. I know it will. it's like, i have this weird feeling in my tums and i know it's gonna be alright."

Eddie smiled towards Richie and focused himself back towards the outside. Richie needed something to break the silence and prayed his phone was still in his pocket.
god and anime must've been on his side that day as Richies pocket held his phone.
Richie was so confused on how it didn't fall out but that's fictional writ-.. that's luck for you.

Richie opened his music app and picked out one of his favorite songs at the moment.
"want it?" Richie asked, holding up his headphones to Eddie. Eddie took it and placed it inside of his ear.

(you don't have to play this but- this is what they're listening to)

The two boys sat and just listened, Richies hand inching toward Eddies. Eddie took Richies and and held it, he shut his eyes letting his feet dangle and the wind blew on his face.
As much as Richie wanted to focus on the beautiful sunrise, he couldn't keep his eyes off Eddie. Even when he was crying, he looked beautiful. His red cheeks, red nose, bags under his eyes, the way his freckles stood out. Richie was in awe on how this boy could love him the way he loves him. the same way.

The pinks and oranges faded from the sky signaling that it was morning, the train was still moving. There was a sign-
"Welcome to Leonia" Eddie said, rolling his eyes.
"What?" Richie chuckled
"Well, that's where we are." Eddie informed
"Maybe we should jump soon. I could build a place for us to stay."

Eddie nodded, sliding his feet back into the train and rested his back on the boxes.
"For how long?" Eddie asked, he never took his eyes off the sky.

"I don't know.." Richie answered, he stood up and stretched, Eddie did the same.



They jumped off of the train. Richie, being Richie, did a flip.

I'm gonna try and update sooner, i have a bunch of ideas.
As for my instagram au- i am trying to make it a bit different from this story for more fun :)
i'm spending a lot of time on it so i would love if you checked it out :)))

As for my instagram au- i am trying to make it a bit different from this story for more fun :)i'm spending a lot of time on it so i would love if you checked it out :)))@/reddiespidermanau

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