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"why did you save me..?"

richies heart fluttered and he took a couple steps closer, leaning down.

under the mask, his face flushed as he saw the boy with big puppy eyes has freckles scattered around his face just like a galaxy. his eyes were red sore from crying.

truly, this boy is broken and just wants an escape.

"because.. i didn't want to go home today knowing i could've saved you." richie said, common sense really. but something felt different about saving him than anyone else.

the boy looked away trying to hide the dry tears down his temple and the new tears falling down his cheeks.
"you're not gonna tell anyone, are you? my mother would flip.." he whispered begging his voice not to break.

"not a soul." he reached out his hand and helped the boy sit up.
"what's your name, anyway?"

"umm.." he took a breath "eddie, eddie kaspbrak."

"well, eds, i'm-i'm glad you're okay." richie smiled taking eddies hand in his allowing him the option to stand. eddie shook his head no, he liked the gesture but was to weak to stand.
richie let go placing his hand on the side of his thigh again.

"don't call me that, it sounds girly." he frowned eyes still red and sunken. "but i'm glad you saved me. it's nice to know someone is there, even if they're behind a mask."
he looked up, trying to find eyes behind the fabric only to be disappointed.

eddie pulled his legs back into a
cris-cross position, he wiped away the tears in his cheeks.

"i guess so, eddie." he smiled but eddie couldn't see it.

"by the way, who are you? i know i should've asked earlier when you were asking my name but it didn't come to mind. sorry. um i just wanted to know because i haven't really seen you before, or a boy in a fully covered spider suit- it looks really good by the way.i mean. um yeah wait your my age right? i know i can't really tell just from appearance, i'm 15 but um i've never heard about you before, do you have like powers or something. oh and uh-"

eddies eyes widened and shut mouth. his hand pulled into a fist and rested it on the tip of his lips, looking down.
"... sorry, i ramble a lot.."

richie chuckles. "that's okay, and i'm 15 too, i've never really thought about a name. just last weekend i was bitten by a radioactive spider, using the scientific method i asked a question, did background research about spiders, hypothesized and then-"
richie did the same thing, his eyes widened, lips shut as his fist came up to his suit-covered mouth.
"haha.. sorry, that's not how normal people have a conversation, you obviously know the scientific theory. i sometimes ramble about science sometimes. haha.. sorry."

eddie chuckled "it's okay. i've never been good at science so i don't know squat about the scientific method theory thing. i was just confused because i've never seen a human spider person before." he tucked a piece of brown hair behind his ear.

his ears were red as strawberries, richie realized that he needed to bring eddie home fast before he catches pneumonia.

"you're cold." richie pulled off one of his latex gloves and placed it on eddies cheek. his check was freezing. when richies warm hand collided eddie get chills all down his back.
richie holds his hand on his cheek not wanting to take it away.

"way to cold, ive got to get you home." he whispered, pulling back his hand and putting back on his glove.

"oh.. i guess you're right." eddie whispered as well, not actually wanting to leave the feeling of being comforted by a random black suited spider. he guessed that did sound a little weird to him but this day has been all sorts of weird so he didn't mind.

"where do you live eduardo?" richie asked.

"pfft! don't call me that!" eddie yelled and fell onto his side, smiling.
"71 thisisarealstreet st., you can drop me off outside one of the windows." eddie answered, his cheeks still red and smiling.

richie picked up the smaller boy in one arm.

"hold on." he suggested. eddie wrapped his arms around the spiders neck and legs around his waist. richie still held on for more support.

although he was scared about dropping the boy, richie knew he wouldn't, he had confidence that he would be able to take eddie home safely.

he swung off the roof attaching his string on building after building. checking on eddie, his eyes were closed shut. richie kept on swinging.

eddie felt the need to open his eyes, slowly he peeked a little seeing the huge sky with the city below him. it was truly something he's never seen before. it was beautiful. he opened his eyes fully, taking in the view. a wide smile spread across his face as the wind pulled his hair back.

he looked over at the spider guy and felt as if he saw the focus on his face. eddies smile widened, pink on his cheeks. he rested his head on the spiders shoulder and adorned the view.


the other you - reddie spider-man auWhere stories live. Discover now