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hi! just wanted to remind you that i love you all to death.
thank you so much for voting, commenting, and adding to your reading lists. i appreciate every single one of you even if you don't interact with the story. i still love you!!

(as promised, 'S I N G- stenbrough headcannon' preview at the end of this chapter!)

we're in for a wild ride, buckle up.

"connor?' richie asked, "what did connor say?"

eddies tears began to fall faster but richie wiped al of them away with his sleeve.
"don't cry, eds, its okay. you don't have to say anything" richie pulled eddies head toward his chest and let eddie cry onto his t-shirt. richie placed his hand onto his head and rubbed his hair
"shhh." richie rested his head on top of eddies comforting the boy while he cried. "it's okay."

eddie backed out of the hug, "i know it's okay but, if i tell you he might.. he might kill me."
richies face drained of color

"kill you.?"

"yes." eddie started to cry again,

"i promise i won't let him touch you" richie wipes eddies tears and offered him a hug again, eddie accepted, wrapped his arms around richies waist and gripped the back of his shirt tighter. richie places his hands onto eddies hips and rested his head on top of eddies.
"whenever you're ready.. i'd like to know what happened." richie cooed into eddies ear. eddies eyes stop crying and shoot open,

eddie remembers the pleasant, sunny day after going to the amusement park. eddie was leaving the pharmacy market after getting a refill on his inhaler. passing a few building, admiring the view, eddie felt off. the walk home wasn't going to be as beautiful as the walk there. a blonde boy popped out from behind a building and slapped eddie in the chest, pushing him
into the ally way.

"connor?!" eddie questioned worriedly.
"shut up." connor spat and threw eddie to the ground. "what the fuck are you doing with richie! i see the way you look at him!" connor was furious, his face was flushed with anger.

"what? its not like that i- i swear!" eddie stammered receiving a kick to the stomach. eddie hunched over holding his sides in pain but connor wasn't done. he proceeded to punch eddie on his inner thighs, smiling.

"no one is going to take richie from me. got it, girly boy?" connor asked

"yes- yes! connor i understand! please stop!" eddie chocked between sobs.

"good." connor pulled eddie up to his feet but before letting him go, connor slammed eddie up to a wall lifting him up off the ground by his shirt, practically choking him. "if you tell anyone about this, i won't hesitate next time."

eddie knew he was strong because spiderman told him so, eddie lifted up his legs and kicked connor in the stomach.

connor hit the wall behind him and fell to the floor followed by eddie crashed to the ground gasping for air. connor growled and ran toward eddie, with a final kick to the leg he walked off.
eddie laid on the ground for a few more minutes until finally having enough strength to grab his inhaler.

eddie went home with more thoughts in his head then ever. he knew that he liked spiderman more than a friend, he practically always had.. yet the way he looked at richie? eddie couldn't explain the feelings toward richie, rich felt like a 'silly crush' but.. did 'silly crushes' do the things they did? eddie figured richie was just a huge, dumb, stupid, silly crush.

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