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(that picture is something i made in graphic design that i really like! not story related)

HII! sorry i've been really inactive, i'm getting sick and i was busy w school 👊😞
i hope this update can fix for all the days i've been absent ;)

buckle up you're gonna need it


richie and eddie were going to head back to lunch but decided to chill in the bathroom instead.
the rest of the school day went on slowly and painfully. although richie was bummed about eddie or ben not being in more of his classes, he had stanley and bill in his math and gym.

once the boy got home, richie let his body rest on his bed to drift into slumber until the phone rang.
richie picked it up

"richie!" ben hanscom yelled

"haystack!" richie yelled back.

"you will not believe what happened when you left lunch! beverly freaking marsh talked to me! aahhhh!"

"aaaaH!" richie smiled, ben was grinng like a 14-year-old girl that had just got her first kiss yet beverly had only just talk to him. richie decided to make an extremely big deal out of it since, boy got it bad.

"shit bro, you sound like you're 12" ben gave richie a glare "you know, those european girls are always just another option, just in case."

ben didn't laugh but he couldn't keep in a smile either. richie looked down.
don't get him wrong, rich knew ben could score, richie wasn't sure about beverly. he remembered the one time when bill talked to him, bill had said somethings about beverly hooking up with a bunch of guys. ben heard about it too yet insisted that everything was just rumors.

richie was worried that beverly would break bens heart, he wanted nothing to do with ben inevitably getting his heart broken so richie decided that for the next few days he was going to investigate on beaverly marsh.

tuesday, wednesday and thursday passed slowly, on friday richie gathered all the 'evidence' up on beverly marsh and made his verdict.

eddie had been quiet the last few days, but something made eddie more cheerful, taking about 'seeing someone'.

"i'm really excited, i haven't seen him in about a week but it felt like 6 chapt-"

richie cut eddie off,
"do you think beverly marsh is a good person? like- if she didn't like someone do you think she would break their heart if they confessed or do you think she'd try to sympathize." rich asked not focused toward the freckled boy next to him.

"why does that matter? do you like her or som-"
richie cut eddie off again

"through everything i saw on her, she seems like a total bitch that i'd get along super well." rich smiled "i think that's what i'll do."

"richie- what're you saying? what do you mean?" eddie frowned

"i'm a genius!" richie smiled and finally looked at the small boy to find an upset eddie, "woahwoahwoah, what's wrong eds?"

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