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short lil chapter :)

mabel snickered "really? i hadn't noticed" she said sarcastically.

"wait- you knew!" richie asked, surprised

"c'mon that wasn't a secret, i can see it in your eyes when you look at him, i just don't understand how you fell that fast." mabel smiled
richie frowned and looked at the hands which had pink nail polish on them

"mabel..?" richie whispered


"does.. does eddie ever look at me in that way too?"

mabel stayed quiet, eddie had looked at richie in that way, but, he always talked about someone else.

"richie," mabel started
richie picked up his head revealing heavy tears streaming down his cheeks

"oh richie." mabel leaped up and hugged the hunched boy, he was reluctant to hug back but his hands wrapped around her body. she squeezed and let richie cry into her shoulder. "it's okay" she cooed.

"it's okay, i'm here."

7:20 on the clock, richie wasn't sure he wanted to go to eddies anymore, he didn't want to get himself more hurt. he repeated that in his head in don't want to get more hurt' he thought.

'i don't want to get more hurt' as he walked back to his house,

'i don't want to get more hurt' as he opened his closet,

'i don't want to get more hurt' as he sprinkled baby oowder in the suit,

'i don't want to get more hurt' as he zipped up the latex,

'i don't want to get more hurt' as buildings turned to houses,

'i don't want to get more hurt' as richie landed on eddies window..

richie sighed and said it aloud to himself

"i don't want to get more hurt."

he tapped on eddies window at exactly 8:00

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