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we've got a special chapter ahead of us.
i'm sosososo sorry for the wait of this.
before we start i'd like to thank everyone who comments and votes on this story, it makes my day. i love you all so much. 💕💕

richie was swinging to eddies, although richie wore a black sweatshirt and basketball shorts over his suit. the extra layers didn't help with cold as he shivered.
but richie didn't care, he had planned a whole surprise for the boy and was excited to bring him.

the buildings turned into small houses and he landed on eddies side roof. climbing up toward the window. richie head a faint sound of music playing and placed his ear onto the brunettes window as 'i can't help falling in love you' by Elvis presley was heard from the small boys bedroom.

richie, being a stalker, looked into the room to find eddie laying on his back on his bed. his eyes were closed, he was smiling. richie couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest.
he lifted up his pointer finger and knocked with his knuckle. eddie shot up, his eyes wide with tears down the sides of his face, he was crying.

they made eye contact.

eddie smiled and started laughing, he wiped his tears coming over to the window.

"hey pretty boy" richie joked, laying his elbows on the windowsill and his head on his hands.

eddie snorted laughing, his cheeks pink, the same color of his pink flowy shirt paired with green shorts and white fluffy socks.

"hey spiderman." he finally said grabbing him by the hands through the window although richie didn't need any help he immediately succumbed to the warmth and smell of cookies that flooded throughout the brunettes room.
"i didn't think you were coming, honestly." eddie confessed.

"aww boo, i'm always gonna come eds." richie smiled, sitting down crisscross in front of eddie. eddie sat down in front of richie too.
eddie smiled while wiping his cheeks.

"eds, you okay?"

"don't call me eds" the freckled boy smiled "and, yes, i'm better now." eddie met richies masked eyes, he noticed how spiderman smelt like lavender and cologne.
"you might be better now but what was bothering you before?" richie asked, he scooted closer to the small boy.

"well, i met new people and finally felt as if i was making friends." richie smiled, he loved knowing that eddie thought of him as a friend in real
life. eddie continued, "once someone cooler stepped in, i was left behind. i didn't talk as much as i normally do." eddie paused while richie realized that connor made eddie feel alone. he couldn't help but feel that he was part of the problem too.
eddie tried to decipher the emotion begins the mask but couldn't, he went on
"this boy tried to make me feel better, he took me to get some water. but connor came back and took him away too."

richie felt his heart hurt, but knew what he had to do.
he stood up and held out his hand, eddie looked shocked at the sudden movement of the masked boy
"well eddie spagetti, there's no need to worry about those guys. i'm here now! let's go out mlady." he bowed, lowering his hand closer to eddies face.

eddie smiled brightly lifting up his hand to meet with him and took it. richie pulled him into this arm and ruffled the brunette hair.

"aargh, don't do that i hate it when you do that, and don't call me eddie spaghetti!" eddie frowned, crossing his arms.

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