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dude, that person is so nice :))) ily 💕

sorry to keep y'all waiting!! here's a short chapter, i'm uploading the next part in a few mins so stay tuned hehe.
i love you all so much, i feel so blessed for all the support i'm getting. it seriously warms my heart ♥️🥺

"RICH! GET UP ITS FIVE AM!!" aunt may screamed as she busted into richies attic bedroom with lots of energy.

richie pulled his duvet over his head
"nnnOooOoOoOoOoooO" he groaned and grabbed his pillow tighter. Aunt may yanked the end of his duvet and whipped it up.
the cold air stung his body so he went into a ball position.
richie may have been in a warm shirt and pants but the warmth of the duvet was so overbearing to have lost.

"you have to get ready for school, c'mon kiddo"

it was to cold for richie not to comply, he stood up and rubbed his arms with his already cold fingers. may left him to his skinny body fending against the cold.

he picked out some random clothes from his drawer and threw them on. richie didn't really care what he looked like for school.

richie outfit consisted of a green frog shirt and light blue jeans that he cuffed at the bottom. he slipped on the black converse with white doodles and pulled up the bob ross socks he had on then headed to the bathroom.

richie stared at himself in the mirror. his hand rested onto his cut lip and chin, he circled the darkened bruise underneath his left eye. richie didn't worry as long as he could get into aunt mays makeup bag and put some concealer over it.

richie picked up his blue toothbrush and started brushing. his tired eyes struggled to stay open, his head fell and now was brushing his teeth with his eyes closed. a few spits and splashes of cold water later, richie put on deodorant then concealer and felt ready for school.

he jumped down the stairs to the smell of eggs, aunt may stood by the sink. steam flew up from the pan she placed under the faucet.

richie barley ate, his hand was to tired to lift the eggs into his mouth and the stress of who would be in his classes was in his head more than eating.

"do you need me to feed you?" may asked, laughing.

"no, no may i'm okay." richie rubbed his eyes "i'm
gonna be late, love you!" he kissed her forehead and swung his denim backpack over his shoulder.

the walk to school was excruciating, his bike was still bent from the time he almost ran over eddie. so in order to get to school on time he left at 6:30 (school starts at 7:15 and the school was a 45minute walk away)

richie knew he could swing to school in no time, he knew he didn't have to walk. yet he treaded on step by step. every step gave him more pain than the last, his muscles were sore and breaking but richie knew they were also getting stronger.
richie held his backpack strings tighter and lifted his head. the school building was close in the distance, richie pulled out his phone '7:12'


in case you didn't read the start, i'm going to update again in a few mins :))
and i just wanted to let you all know that i see every single vote and i want to thank you so much for voting :))
i also read and respond to every comment.
i love reviving them because i love you all so much!!

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