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i missed you all so much, everytime i saw the
"this cant be the end"
comments, i got so sad.
I had been so unmotivated to write this story as i am sadly falling out of the IT fandom :[

I hope most of you are still going to come along the story with me, i love you so much



The rain dripped inside of Eddie's small junkyard hut. He chose to ignore it and laid his head onto his arms with his eyes closed. Sleep wasn't coming easy especially with the damp and cold sweater. He didn't want to think about Richie for one more second or else he wouldn't be able to resist getting back on the next train to New York.

Spiderman had never swung faster in his life.
'What the fuck was i thinking! He could've got attacked by junkies or something!' He yelled at himself.
Richie calculated how long it would take to get to Eddie in the rain but every calculation he got to was never fast enough for the boy to be satisfied.

Avoiding branches was one thing, but avoiding the public eye was a nightmare. He just wanted to get to Eddie before something happened to him.

Too bad Spiderman has already been seen, but not just by anybody.

Eddie has been tapping his foot on the ground for longer than he'd like to admit. His leg couldn't stop bouncing, his body temperature was plummeting in the cold. There was no place in the hut where water wasn't dripping.

He contemplated running out of the junkyard and finding a place to stay. Maybe couch surf from people he meets at parties- but the thought of sleeping on a strangers couch scared him.
So he stayed, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, cold.

A white drone buzzed through the air behind spiderman. He hadn't noticed yet. Just a few more miles.

The dripping became unbearable, hitting Eddies back, Eddies nose, Eddies arms, everywhere. It was annoying. He honestly couldn't take it for much longer before he would just leave the hut and jump onto a train.

Spiderman was getting closer to Eddie, he just wanted to see him again. The pit in his stomach sank like a thousand anchors weighing him down. He felt weak. He wished he had grabbed food before he left but the weighing feeling that something happened to Eddie pushed him on faster. Faster than he had ever gone before. In the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the junkyard where Eddie was. Or was supposed to be.

Eddie in fact had left the hut, but he wasn't far. Following an uneven trail to who knows where. Eddie was attentive to every sound he heard, the dark made Eddie's heart beat faster and faster. Flashbacks to when his mother locked him in his room with the lights off till the morning, fearing that she was somewhere with him at all times. His breath kept cutting short from walking, so he sat underneath a small tree, the rain poured onto his back as he let tears slip down his cheeks. They mixed with the rain.

Spiderman jumped down at the hut, his heart racing. Spiderman prayed that behind the broken door, he would find Eddie. Lightning struck illuminating the small space, Eddie was nowhere to be found. Spiderman's heart sank as he paced the place they fought with a frown. He walked over to where Eddie would have sat and pulled off his mask.
A silent sound of paper shaking stuck out to him, he pulled a damp white piece from underneath the wood and examined it. It was a drawing of the junkyard. Richie's eyes glazed over when he saw himself swinging in the sky. Fuck.

Next part tomorrow <3

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