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sorry i haven't uploaded in awhile 😥
i'm more motivated now though so expect more chapters :)

richie twisted the phone in his hand to hold it sideways and make it big screen. he tapped the play button, shifting his head away from eddie but secretly watching him to see his reaction.
after a few seconds of cool facts, spiderman came up.

"down in new york, queens, there seems to be a flying superhero dressed as a spider."

eddies eyes widened and looked shocked, he wanted to say something but kept it down.

"wooah whaatt?" richie pretended to be shocked, it wasn't very convincing but eddie wasn't paying attention to him, he was watching the video waiting to see if there was going to be a photo.

a photo did pop onto screen, eddie let out a "yeah, i've seen him." finally.

the video ended so richie put his phone back in his pocket.

"really? he's not fake?" richie 'asked'

"no, ive only seen him once though. its cool to see him swinging through the city." eddie smiled and looked up at the sky, half expecting to see spiderman. the only half knew he wasn't there.

"were you ever able to talk to him?"
richie knew the answer, he knew what eddies response should be

"uhhhh i um." eddie stuttered, he didn't know whether to tell richie about him and spiderman meeting. he didn't believe it himself. he didn't even know what these 'meetings' meant, or what he felt towards them.

"what! you have?!" richie yelled, a bit to loud. he waved his arms in the air, skipping a bit "that's amazing! what did you say?"

eddie stood there not able to respond, being incapable of a response.

"no i never said that! shut up dickwad" eddie fired

richie smirked, he knew, and knew eddie knew as well. richie put his hands up as a surrender
"okay. okay, i'll stop. we're almost at bens anyway."

eddie smiled while tugging at the sleeves of his windbreaker while richie looked straight ahead. his finger ran along the white picket fence, ben sat outside.

"haystack!" richie called waving his hand in the air picking up his speed. eddie sped up too not wanting to get left behind. 

"richie!" ben went in for their normal side hug, once he pulled away he noticed eddie. "you must be eddie, right?"

"yeah, that's me." eddie waved, smiling slightly at ben.

mike burst out the door "eddie! you made it!" he smiled. classic mike.
"oh, hey richie!"

"ey mike!" richie smiled giving a small one hand wave.

they headed up into the house, eddie got pulled away by mike to go meet stan and bill. Ben pulled richie to the living room where the deathstar was as completed as they had left it.

after about an hour richie couldn't focus on the constant laughing and rants coming from the other room, he knew he'd eventually have to meet stan and bill, why not now?

a/n YAY STAN AND BILL IN THE NEXT CHAPTER WOO! i love all of you sososo much for reading my story, it means the world. i'm gonna be updating more frequently :)

comment?? maybe?? you don't have to but it would mean a lot to me and the story

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