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hiii, second update for today. i'm sorry they've been so short recently. i swear next chapters will be better :)))
i love you all so much. thanks for reading!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

"richie!" the loveable ben hanscom called out
"over here!"
ben was standing by his locker holding his schedule, richie had gotten his his morning just like every other student.

"haystack!" he called back, running toward the boy and lifting their schedules together, science,
and history but history started next semester.
everyone finds out what lunch they have by their home room teacher.
the boys high fived and richie smiled, he now felt kind of awake.
"i heard beverly marsh is in our science class." ben smiled.
"ben, you know i don't really know who she is. i only know her because you had a stupid crush on her last year, she doesn't even know who you are."

"ouch, rich."

"sorry haystack. but just watch, you'll woo her this year."

"yeah, sure."

first richie had english room 410 down the hallway in the door to the right.
richie was met with surprise when he showed up, everyone was already seated connor bowers on the left side of the room with an open seat next to him and eddie kaspbrak on the right.. also with an open seat next to him.

"rich! hey richie over here!" connor cheered, waving him over. richie made eye contact with connor then looked over at eddie.

eddie focused hard on the outside of the window, he knew richie was there, he knew richie was looking at him. eddie was scared to face him because he knew richie would choose to sit next to connor anyway.
richies pupils basically formed to hearts staring at the boy with chocolate brown hair, eyes, and freckles. his lips a perfect shade of pink, his nails a pretty blue.
richie couldn't help but let his mind wander, he imagined taking eddie by the hand and leading him through a path of sunflowers. he imagined placing a checkered blanket down and laying faced toward him, counting his freckles, booping his nose, telling him that he's beautiful.
he smiled, richie adorned the boys every perfection and every minor flaw. yet all eddies flaws were perfect to him, all of his twitches and rambles, his tendency so hold in emotions give richie the want to hold him and let the small boy know that he was there no matter what.

"eddie-" a small whisper escaped richies lips
eddies head tried to resist the urge to look up, trying to pretend he wasn't paying attention, that he wasn't aware. yet he was, and he did. his eyes met with richies darker ones, and richies black hair, and his cheekbones and just richie, richie, richie.

"hm?" eddie responded, raising his eyebrows toward richie. richie was staring at him.

"what?" richie blinked and shook his head. "i- i didn't"

eddie laughed "what's with you richie?"

"rich! you sitting down?" connor asked, giving eddie a glare.
richie looked back at connor, he looked at his dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, his pinkish lips.
connor was attractive, richie knew that he should be attracted to such a beautiful boy.. yet he wasn't. at least not in the same way he was to eddie.

"uhm, con-"
"hey connor!" ed corcoran smiled and sat down next to connor. "i have so many cool things to tell you!"
ed was basically oblivious to anything that went on around him, including richie.

"talk later con-con."
"oh shi- sorry for for cutting you off." ed opened his can of coke and took a sip, diffidently no sorry but richie shrugged and smiled anyway.
he walked toward eddies desk

"EDS!" richie yelled in his ear, he had jumped onto the seat beside him claiming it as his own.

"don't call me that. i swear to fuck i could kill you." eddie scolded.
"whhhat? why don't you like eddie spagettiiiii" richie groaned.

"jeez, your just like spi-.. spooper annoying."

"spooper annoying?" richie 'questioned'


"i dig it." richie shrugged. he looked down at eddies shirt, he saw that he.. well, spiderman was on it.
"hey, is that a spiderman shirt!?"

"uh yeah, i really like him, ya know?" eddie's voice got soft, richie could feel his stomach churn.

"damn, i didn't know i- he had merch."


"HELLO CLASS NEW DAY NEW OPPORTUNITIES LETS GET THIS CLASS STARTED!!" the teacher busted in. he was tall, looked mixed with an afro. he was dressed in a classy suit and a big smile. he kind of creeped richie out to be honest.
richie sighed and sulked in his seat, his tired eyes fell.

"i'm so tired." richie whispered to eddie. "let's pray you're in my lunch."

eddie smiled, richie wanted him in his lunch. eddies cheeks turned more pink than before as he tried to play attention to class.
eddie couldn't help but notice something he hadn't before, the concealer underneath richies left eye revealing a dark bruise.

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