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hi! i know it's been awhile (like 6 days) but thank you all sosososo much for 3.1k reads!!! whatt? me?!
anyways i am in shock and literally dying but YA KNOW-
the reason i have been so busy is bc i'm working on a richie tozier drawing, so that's fun!
i'm also thinking about changing the cover of my story since my style has improved.
anyways, thank you sososo much for 3.1k reads and for all your comments, i truly love you all so much it warms my heart.

'english with eddie and connor is going to be interesting' richie thought to himself while walking toward science.
richie was excited for science because 1). hes extremely good at it, and 2). he gets to see ben miserably attempt to talk to beaverly marsh. richie slightly chuckled to himself 'beaverly'

richie walked in and observed the classroom.
ed corcoran, betty ripsom, patrick hockstetter and greta bowie were all sitting in his class.
richie hadn't seem patrick before, he just knew that patrick was one to start trouble.

richie found a seat next to ben,

"so. which one is she?" richie looked around the room.

"she didn't walk in yet, just wait." ben sternly told richie, eyeing the door attentively.

just then a girl with fire for hair walked into the classroom taking a look at everyone in the room. she eyed greta while patrick licked his lips seductively.

beverly sat next to betty ripsom two rows to the front right of ben and richie. richie could see the red forming in his face
'this kid got it bad' richie thought, frowning. richie prayed that beverly would at least talk to him once, but richie feared it would make his crush worse.

"i, i don't even know why i like her.. i don't even have a chance." ben frowned and sulked in his seat. richie laughed out loud reviving stares from patrick hockstetter and people sitting next to him, to which ben hit him in the side.

"don't worry if beverly doesn't work out, you totally have a chance with European girls. i heard Europeans love americans."

"shut up rich."

"well that was the most boring class i have ever been in, in my whole life." ben exclaimed "the only slightly fun part is you and.. ya know."

"beaverly- i know." richie rolled his eyes.

"i wonder where she's gonna sit in the lunchroom, we should get a table close by."

"anything for you, haystack."

the boys walked into the lunchroom, richies eyes immediately scanning for any sight of a short freckled boy wearing a spiderman shirt. richie was about to loose hope after he couldn't find the boy until richie spotted the tiny table in the corner by the window.

richie gravitated towards him, ben close behind.

connor bowers bursted into the lunchroom with confidence only few people possessed, he strutted straight up to richie and linked arms with him.
richie laughed uncomfortably but didn't pull away
"uhh what're you doing." he smiled from the corners of his mouth.

"take us to our table, prince." connor replies, putting a hand over his forehead.

"what the fuck. are you drunk?" richie pulled his arm away finally

"no, just high." connor giggled.

richie eyed ben intensively, saying 'what the fuck do i do!' with them.

ben shrugged and continued walking toward eddie.

"eds! so glad you're in my lunch!" richie smiled brightly "lucky ben in here too!"
eddie noticed the boy with big glasses and giggled
"i'm glad you're in my lunch too, rich."
"omg did you just call me rich in a good way omg, eddie i'm your biggest fan."
eddie snorted and shook his head "fuck off richard tozier"
richie looked at him with a straight face "you are the bane of my existence."

connor ran from richies side toward betty and beverly excitedly taking their hands toward where richie and ben were now sitting.

all it took was one look from beverly marsh.

the fear in bens eyes, he was petrified.

richie didn't notice however, his focus was still in the tiny boy who he loved to make laugh. the nose scrunch, the small smile, the freckles on top of his rosey cheeks..enough to make richie faint.

connor sat down on the opposite side of richie in the center, betty across from eddie on the right and beverly across from ben on the left.

"hey rich, aren't you glad we have lunch together!" connor smiled, eddies face dropped into a frown.
richie thought connor and eddie were okay but he guesses eddie has some grudges he's holding.

"yep! and who are these lovely ladies you brought with you." richie smirked moving his eyebrows up and down reviving a small hit from eddie who looked out the window immediately

"betty ripsom and beverly marsh." connor replied

"nice to meet you ladies, i'm richie and this boy right here is ben." richie nudged bens arm, shaking him slightly.
ben smiled and let out a weak "hi" with a slight wave before looking down at his shoes once again.

eddie sort of shut up after connor came, he seemed a bit nervous and he was tapping his foot. richie studied him, he studied the way eddies arms seemed to be holding himself, the way he focused on the one tree outside to avoid looking at the lunchroom.

richie lifted up his left hand and placed it slightly on eddies shoulder rubbing his thumb in a way of comfort, "you okay, eds?" he asked with a slight smile.
eddie looked at him in shock, a smile appeared on his face as well as a shade of pink to his cheeks. richie loved it when eddie blushed, he looked so cute.

connor stopped talking, richie assumes he got the hint.

all connor got, was motivation to woo richie harder.

thank you for reading!! and thank sosososo much for 3.1k views i'm literally 🥺🥺🥺💜💜
i love you all so much
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