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(sorry if you get the notification again, my doggy goose brain accidentally named this chapter twenty instead of nineteen)

HIII!!! it's me again, i'm really excited about this chapter for some reason, i hope you enjoy it. and by the way i'm not sick anymore woo!!

💜i love you all so much💜

"eddie bear!" sonia kaspbrak calls for her son, the overweight woman was making eggs and bacon. eddie arose from his slumber smelling the amazing scent of food.

at first, the freckled boy laid awake in surprise that his, normally angry, mother made food for him to eat. but then his expression changed and eddie basked in the thought that maybe sonia kasprack was getting better. maybe she was turning around and realized her abusive ways.

eddie jumped down the stairs in joy, his long checkered pajamas hung loosely on the small boy and the pink pajama shirt he was wearing was big enough to drown in. his sock-less feet met with the cold hard-wood floor that sent shivers down eddies spine as he continued walking. eddie approaches the food his table chair already pulled out for him, she sat down comfortably squishing around a bit.

"thanks mommy!" eddie smiled taking his fork and plunging it into the cut scrambled eggs. eddie wanted to savor the taste, wanted to enjoy the first breakfast his mother had cooked for him in a long time, but the want just brought dissatisfaction as the eggs tasted bitter. yes, they had been salted, yes, they had pepper on them, yet the taste didnt enhance. just dull and boring and.. familiar. it tasted like medicine.

"mommy, what's in the eggs?" eddie asked on a low tone, scared to accidentally get him mother angry with him.

"eat your food eddie-bear. i have a fun day planned." the mother said not looking at her child.

"what's in the eggs mommy?"

to this, the woman didn't answer, she simply repeated what she had said
"eat your food, eddie."

eddie complied.

A few bites and crunches later eddie was finished with his plate, he felt sick, he felt like he needed to vomit. sonia told him to get upstairs and get ready for the day so the small boy did what he was told. he went upstairs and grabbed a yellow shirt with a green car on the front that he paired with red shorts, long white socks and his deodorant. the boy didn't make his mother wait long, he just brushed his teeth and washed his face but sonia was tapping her watch like it was the civil war and a doctor was coming to saw his legs off. eddie grabbed his red high top vans and walked out the door with his mother, she was smiling.

"what're we doing today, mommy?" eddie asked pulling on his seatbelt.

"i'm meeting someone at the amusement park. i picked that location for our meeting because i figured you would want to go." she pulled out of her driveway.


eddie sat on a bench by the entrance of the amusement park, he stuck his finger through the holes in the bench to entertain himself. sonia strictly told him that if he wanted to go on any rides he'd have to go on little kid rides. eddie contemplated going on big rides without his mother's permission because, she wasn't even here right now, but he decided against it. it's not that eddie was scared, he didn't care about how many loops a ride has or how fast it went, he just wanted to have fun. yet eddie sat on the bench, wasting his day away.

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