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another short ish filler chapter. thanks for reading! i love youuu

"e-" he caught himself before saying eddies name, "e-xcuse me i'm sososo sorry i didn't mean to."

the boy was quiet, stunned kind of. but he finally managed out "i- don't know what to say. it's okay? you didn't mean to." he was looking forward but his eyes were on the ground. richie looked at the boys eyes, the eyes he had been fondling over for the past four-ish days. he wish he had a picture.

richie eyes soon followed eddies, richie was stepping on a card.

"oh my god i'm so sorry, lemme get that for you!" richie bent down to grab it. he noticed the card said 'mike hanscom' "mike? like- bens brother?" he asked while handing the card to eddie.

"thank you, uh yeah." eddie's eyes were still on the ground.

"no need to thank me! i'm actually heading there right now, want me to walk with you?" he asked

'please say yes please say yes'

"sure." eddie picked his head up, eyes met with richie, richie smiled, his cheeks came up like they normally do. he saw eddies eyes change. he didn't know what it meant. he couldn't have recognized him? no, of course not.

eddie wasn't sure.

eddie picked up richies bike and handed it to him. the wheel was kinda busted but it wasn't unrideable.

"sorry about your bike."

"sorry about almost hitting you."

eddie laughed slightly. he smiled at richie, but the smile quickly faded.

"so, how do you know mike?" richie asked, raising his left hand onto his neck. he felt his curls bounce while he walked.

"ehh, i don't really know. my mom told me to make some friends before school started and i met mike while buying meat for her. so it just fell into place i guess." eddie shoved his hands into his purple and green windbreaker, his legs were covered in dark blue jeans with flower details in the pockets, they were cuffed. the jeans matched well with his blue polo but he wore his red nike's to make it pop. he looked good, even with the fanny pack.

"i guess that makes sense. but why the card?" richie asked, looking at eddies hand.

"oh. my mom is kinda.. crazy."

"oh i think i know her, she was really crazy last night in bed." 'what the flipping fuck just came out of my mouth and into eddies ears.' richie screamed at himself.

"what the fuck?" eddie questioned.

"sorry.. that wasn't funny. i- i make bad jokes." richie places both his hands on his face to hide his embarrassment.
to his surprise, eddie snickered.
"shut up." he laughed.

richie smiled, placing his index finger and thumb on his chin in a finger gun position, bending down onto eddies level.
"so can i read it?" he smiled. eddie shrugged and handed him the card.

richie did the only thing he deemed appropriate, read it aloud in a british accent changing the words a little.


"stop that's not what i wrote!" eddie ripped the card from his hands. laughing hysterically, richie reached for it again. he needed to 'fake' find out eddies name.

"wait i wasn't done!!! i won't read it out loud i pinky promise." he stuck out his pinky bouncing in his toes a bit.
eddie completed the pinky promise and handed him the card again.
"nice card, eddie." richie smiled.

"ha.ha. you're so funny." eddie grabbed the card back, crumping it and throwing it in the nearest trash can.

"i'm not joking!" he snickered "i loved the part when you said 'PIP PIP AND TALLY HO MY GOOD FELLOWS'"

"you're impossible.. uh.." eddie stuttered.

"richie, richie tozier. pleasure." richie smiled holding out his hand.
eddie grabbed it and shook it.


"well i'd like you to know that i didn't wash my hands the last time i went to the bathroom."

"WHAT! EW GROSS." eddie yelled frantically finding his hand sanitizer in his fanny pack. after he put it all over his hands he squirted some into richies hands.

"wow eddieroo i was joking. why do you even have a fanny pack?"

"don't call me fucking eddieroo and i'd rather not go into detail about it. but don't think for a second i believe you about the hand thing."

"Okay, okay that's fair. So do you know wh-"
richies phone goes off.


richie got confused.

trashmouth 🐸: dude chill, I'm walking over right now with eddie. Watching it soon.

haystack: no do it now, who's eddie?

trashmouth 🐸: he's hanging out with mike and his friends I think. Checking now.

richie pressed the link, his eyes widened when he read the title of the video.

'dude in spider costume has magic spider powers?'

"hey ed's, ben just sent me a video he wanted me to watch, wanna watch it too?"
richies sentence came out so fluently that he didn't even realize he called eddie ed's.

"did you just call me ed's?" he asked, looking surprised and stopped walking for a sec. his eyes darted everywhere as if he was trying to find a pattern. after a few seconds he gave up

'shit, play it cool dumbass. keep your c h i l l' richie thought.

"yeah? so?" he asked, bit of defense in his voice. he tucked his left hand in his pocket, pulling his phone out to play the video for the both of them.

"what's this about?" eddie asked looking over at the screen, leaning close.

"no clue." richie lied, he knew eddie would be lying later, too.

a/n just wanna clarify that eddie doesn't know richies identity yet, i don't want him to know for a long while. it would be kinda dumb if they found out rn.
anyways thanks for reading, as you know i love you sososo much 💓💓

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