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"MIKEY!" connor smiled at mike, mike stood up to go for a hug making the blue nail polish go all over his finger.

"mike! your nails!" eddie frowned, mike didn't pay attention from being to focused on connor.

"who the fuck is this kid?" richie asks, leaning forward with this elbows on his knees. ben just shrugged. bill and stan were in complete space with each other.

in this moment, eddie looked at richie- fully. he noticed his glasses and how they were to big for his face, he notices his cheeks went up when he smiled, he noticed his teeth were a bit crooked, and he loved how richies hair was a bit to long for his face.

richies heart skipped when he noticed eddie looking at him
"enjoying the view Edward?" richie joked

"shut up" eddie snapped, eddie turned toward connor who had just broke the hug.

connor started walking up toward ben and richie, his blonde curly hair framed his face in a way that showed his piercing blue eyes and wide perfect straight teeth smile.

"hey, i'm connor." he smiled toward richie and ben, but mostly richie.
richie got a proper glance at connor, he was speechless.

"hi, richie tozier the name" he reached out his hand to shake, connor took it and shook making a weird noise go off. "and doing voices is my game."
connor laughed and smiled then faced toward ben and did the same.

eddie felt some sort of need to protect richie- he felt as if connor was going to destroy him.

no, he hadn't known richie or
connor for long but- this feeling was overwhelming.

'what the fuck' he though to himself, snaking his head. he looked down on
the floor seemingly falling asleep until

"hey" eddie looked up, it was connor

"connor." eddie finished for him.

"uhh- yeah." he stepped back "and you?"

"eddie." eddie was still sort of cold but managed a smile, sort of.

connor tried to smile back but had the same glare as eddie.
connor walked over to meet bill and stan, mike followed.

"mike, are you done with your nails for right now?"

"yep." mike walked off and left eddie with richie and ben.

"edwardo, get over here loser." richie joked, opening his arms as an invite.
eddie rolled his eyes and made his way over to the boys.

"hey richie, hey ben." eddie introduced, his eyes feel into bens as he smiled.

"glad to finally meet you eddie." ben said, waving a little.
"me too." he waved back

"sorry i almost killed you earlier." richie stated.

"you what!" ben yelled

richie laughed while eddie stuck out his tongue and crossed his arms. ben was smiling, laughing slightly at both of them while hitting richie lightly in the shoulder. eddie peeped out of one eye and caught richie laughing harder, he couldn't help but smile.

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