Chapter 4 Escape from the Cage (1)

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At 23:30, the minute hand sinks to the bottom.

  The hall of the Lan family's old house is brightly lit like daylight.

  The light from the crystal chandelier fell brightly from above the head, and the light was so intense that the pile of the carpet was almost visible. In the bright light, the ceiling dropped extremely low, pressing down on my scalp, making it tight, and my breathing became constricted.

  The servants stood respectfully on both sides, with their backs hunched and their necks hunched, holding back their breath.

  In the center of the hall, a woman in a black dress was sitting on her knees, her right hand was bandaged, and there were whip wounds on her body. One of the red marks spread from her cheek to her neck, like a centipede.

  A few people stood scattered on their knees beside her, blocking her from the door, cutting off her line of sight, but the pungent blood was still there.

At the front door, a woman silently stopped a black and gold smart wheelchair. He was wearing a solid white suit with a leaden gray thin blanket on his legs. She was lazily leaning on the back of the chair, her hair tied back, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. The lenses were as thin as razor blades, cutting off the only gentleness of human nature.

  The snow that never melts all year round and the ice sealed in thousands of mountains are extremely cold.

  "Mr. Lan."

  The cold eyes slowly raised under the chandelier. Without moving, they fell on the old face full of calculations, and a chill suddenly came over him.

  "I am the 'concubine'."

  The words fell to the ground like hail smashing through the floor.

  Lan Haotian twitched, hurriedly put on a smile, and clasped his hands in flattery:

  "Haha, this, Mr. Huo, misunderstood Mr. Huo."

  Others helped:

  "Mr. Huo, I misunderstood. I misunderstood."

  "We're talking about someone else!"

  "Mr. Huo, what brought you here?"

  The empty hall was obviously full of people, but it was like a sports stadium that was not in operation. It was eerily quiet, and a bunch of words even echoed when they were thrown out.

  Lan Haotian shyly took a step forward:

  "You and my daughter... know each other?"


  What answered him was the sound of the wheelchair rolling across the floor at a constant speed. Huo Yan didn't seem to hear what he said, and indifferently passed by the long wall of groveling people in the Lan family, and stopped in front of the woman in black skirt sitting on the ground.

  One hand stretched out towards her, spread out in the light of the crystal chandelier, with the back of the hand facing down and the palm facing upward, receiving the full light.

  Lan Su was stunned for a moment, then his bruised body slowly sat up, staring at the open palms in front of him. The slender palm prints are like the lines of silk, hiding a unique laziness. One centimeter of the shirt is exposed at the cuffs, and the luster of the metal cufflinks reflects a softness.

  Looking up, you can see the folds of fabric that are slightly bent in the arms.

  Further up is the face.

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