Chapter 22 Lan Su's Skills (Part 2)

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After cleaning up Huo Jun, Lan Su walked out quickly, but soon she stopped -

  She didn't know where the villa was.

  A servant passed by, carrying a bucket and seemed to be cleaning something. Lan Su stopped her:


  The servant stepped back flattered. Apparently she had never heard this greeting before in the Huo family: "Hello, Miss Lan."

  "Ayan went to her aunt's house. I want to go find her. Do you know where she is?"

  The servant's back was slightly bent: "Go out and turn right, it's No. 81. But..."

  "But what?"

  "If you go there, Miss Lan, you'd better say hello to President Xia. Something happened before, and it wasn't very pleasant."

  Lan Su stared at the bucket of water in her hand, and saw through some of the truth: "The previous wife died in her house?"

  The servant was stunned, and waved his hands quickly as if struck by lightning:

  "No, no, actually, I don't know much about the master's family! If Miss Lan has nothing else to do, I will go to work first."

  The petite figure quickly disappeared in the corridor. Lan Su turned around, and when he raised his eyes, the calm and vicious hostility of the swamp welled up in his eyes - last time it was Madam, this time, is it Huo Yan's turn?

Huo Yan couldn't get into trouble, at least, she couldn't get into trouble when she was left at the Huo family. It wasn't that their love was stronger than gold, but if Huo Yan died at the Huo family, then, in order to conceal the truth, she, the newly married daughter-in-law, would definitely be killed without hesitation.

  A gardener was pruning bushes in the front yard, with a motorcycle standing next to him.

  Lan Su walked forward weakly, and as she passed by, she smiled and greeted him: "What kind of tree is this?"

  The gardener explained with a smile that it was boxwood, and carefully trimmed the branches and leaves that were sticking out with the scissors in his hand. Then he heard Lan Su behind him let out a delicate scream.


  He turned around quickly, but saw a flash before his eyes and no longer saw Lan Su. Then, he felt a dull pain in the back of his neck, and his vision shook twice before plunging into darkness.

The weak and helpless daughter Lan Su picked up the key swiftly, tied her skirt around her thighs, got on her motorcycle and drove away.

  The villa is one kilometer away, just as the servant said, it is a three-story villa at No. 81.

  The iron gate was wide open, and the front yard and entrance corridor were empty. After the three-door palace gate was pushed open, two bodyguards fell unconscious on the ground, and the marble floor was covered with blood and spider webs.

  problem occurs.

  Lan Su clenched his fists and shone the flashlight on his cell phone at the ground. From the reflected lines, he could see traces of dust from the tires. It went all the way from the hall, around the spiral staircase, and stopped at a room at the end of the corridor on the first floor.

  The door is locked.

  Knock knock!

  Knock knock!

  She knocked on the door twice: "Ayan? Ayan! Are you in there?"

  No one answered, but deliberately low footsteps could be heard against the door. The traces of a wheelchair under the feet only showed that Huo Yan went in but not out, which proved that Huo Yan was in this room.

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