Chapter 29 Olive Branch (I),

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"Huo Yan, how are you?"

  The two of them lingered at the door for a few minutes before a thin woman came up to greet them. Her dark blue suit was well-cut, with a double-breasted design that buttoned the collar on the left side of her waist. Her curly short hair just reached her shoulders, and the fine lines at the end of her eyes revealed the calmness of a middle-aged person.

  "Teacher Yi, long time no see."

  The smile on Huo Yan's face deepened, revealing the cordiality of meeting an acquaintance, and he took the initiative to extend his hand and shake hands with him.

  Yi Hong leaned over and hugged her as if to shake hands, and when she stood up again, her eyes were still smiling lovingly.

"It's been a long time. I've been abroad for the past few years, and I didn't expect the domestic entertainment industry to change so much. I heard that you invested in a movie and the returns were pretty good?"

  Huo Yan nodded modestly: "It's just luck."

  Yi Hong corrected her: "You have a good eye. In fact, you have always had opinions on the film and television industry. The singer I manage is going to release a new song soon. I will have to ask for your opinion more often then."

  "my pleasure."

  "Haha, you are still like this, steady and calm, talking like an old man. I heard you got married, why don't you have a wedding? I want to be a witness."

  Huo Yan shrugged and said, "No time."

  Then he waved to Lan Su, motioning her to come forward: "Su Su, this is Teacher Yi, Yi Hong. Her wife Melody is the chief designer of our company. I knew nothing about jewelry at the beginning, and they were the ones who introduced me to it."

  Facing the elder, Lan Su stepped forward obediently and bowed to her according to the Lan family's rules. When she stood up, she found that Yi Hong wanted to reach out and shake hands with her, so she awkwardly shook hands with both hands, which was quite embarrassing.

  "Haha." Yi Hong was not surprised. She narrowed her eyes slightly with delicate makeup. "I saw the news. Your name is Lan Su, right?"

  Lan Su nodded respectfully: "Yes, Teacher Yi."

Seeing that she was nervous, Huo Yan held her hand quietly, just like he did when they walked on the red carpet before, and gave Yi Hong an apologetic smile:

  "Sorry, Teacher Yi, she's a little introverted."

  "No, that's good." Yi Hong looked at Lan Su with satisfaction. "Being introverted is good. Compared to those people who pretend to be enthusiastic as if they have known each other for more than ten years even though they have never met before, Lan Su is very real."

  I looked up and down at this girl who looked so determined in her black dress. The more I looked at her, the more I liked her. So I asked:

  "What kind of job is Miss Lan doing now? Are you interested in joining the entertainment industry?"

  Yi Hong was the top agent back then. Half of the superstars active in the film and music circles more than a decade ago were brought up by her team. Although she retired in recent years, they returned to China again as her lover recovered from a serious illness. Countless artist teams came to visit her, but she turned them all away.

  And now, she took the initiative to ask Lan Su if he was interested.

  This is an opportunity comparable to being hit by a meteor.

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