Chapter 12 Public Opinion (I)

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Lan Su thought Huo Yan was horrible.

  She thought, this man grew up in Southeast Asia, fought his way out of the Huo family's heirs at a young age, and three of his wives died. His life must have been filled with blood, rain, and swords.

  But in fact, apart from the killer she met for the first time, she never saw any dangerous people again.

  Even the "van" that she had been anxiously speculating about all the way was just an ordinary paparazzi.

  But she was right about one thing - the tracking was indeed done intentionally by Huo Yan.

  [Wealthy CEO Huo Yan finds a new lover, fair-skinned and beautiful, good things are coming]

  [Huo Yan and a mysterious woman appeared in a beauty salon, holding hands and getting out of the car with intimacy]

  [While his deceased wife's body is still warm, Huo Yan looks for a new lover]

  [The newcomer has outstanding temperament and is suspected to be a rich girl]

  The next morning, media from the entertainment and business circles reported the same incident. The headlines of every edition were photos of the beauty salon entrance from different angles.

"Mr. Huo."

  Jiang Feng called early in the morning, "There are many reporters at the company gate. I guess there will be more and more as public opinion ferments. Should we drive them away, or wait for you to come to the company and respond?"

  Huo Yan sat on the sofa, holding his phone in one hand and stroking Mini's fur with the other:

  "Let it sit for a while. Let's whet people's appetite before holding the press conference."

  "Okay, I know."

  After hanging up the phone, Jiang Feng repeated her words, but the assistant Xu Panpan didn't understand:

  "Is this press conference a press conference to respond to the relationship, or a new product launch for the couple's necklace from our company?"

  Jiang Feng threw the newly printed flow chart onto her desk and looked at her as if she were a rookie:

  “New product launch.”

  Xu Panpan thinks it’s not possible:

  "But now our relationship has made the headlines. If we don't respond, what if the media writes nonsense about it and affects sales?"

Jiang Feng walked over in high heels, pressed the flow chart with the coffee in his hand, and gave a warning look:

  "We need to let them write. The messier they write, the more eye-catching it will be. Once the onlookers outside stir up the heat, the traffic to the new product launch conference will be maximized. Do you understand?"

  Xu Panpan suddenly realized, and her mouth, which was as wide as an egg, closed and exclaimed:

  "High, really high..."

  At the same time, Lan Su, who was at the center of public opinion, turned on her phone and experienced the first impact of the multimedia era. The overwhelming headlines, the hot posts and comments, and the photo of her and Huo Yan taken by the paparazzi that day, were like raindrops hitting the lake without reason.

"Wear this necklace at the press conference the day after tomorrow."

  After taking the necklace from Huo Yan, she finally understood why this man deliberately let the paparazzi follow him.

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