Chapter 18 Bathing Together (Part 2)

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"Take off your clothes and come in."

  When he said this, Huo Yan was facing her sideways, soaking in the round bathtub, the milky white liquid covering his chest, his elbows resting on the edge of the pool, his other hand lazily holding the glass and taking a sip from it. The liquid was swaying slowly under his collarbone, emitting wisps of hot steam.

  Lan Su didn't move from where he was, with his feet together, swearing that he had not stepped into any area near the edge of the bathtub.

  He stopped at the door, with no intention of moving forward. Huo Yan took another sip of wine, put the wide-mouthed glass on the tray on the shore, turned around, looked at the motionless man with sharp eyes, and asked:

  "Any questions?"

  She wasn't wearing glasses.

  Without the filter of the lens, the eyes revealed their original sharpness, like white light reflecting ice. For the first time, Lan Su felt the pressure of large facial features. The wet hair stuck to the scalp, the glasses were taken off, and all the cushioning objects disappeared. Only the face was exposed.

Lan Su couldn't resist his curiosity, and after taking a look, his eyes seemed to be sucked up.

  The deep eye sockets were as deep as caves, and the nose was straight. Although it was not as scary as a vulture, its height and shape were obviously sharper than traditional oriental faces. The eyebrows, lips, teeth, cheeks, and jaws, every inch of bone seemed to be made strictly according to the statues in Greek mythology.

  The throat rolled and the root of the tongue trembled.

  Lan Su avoided the sharp gaze and looked at the billowing water vapor rising from the edge of the pool.

"I have a bathroom over there, too."

  She tried to explain.

  "Lan Su."

  Huo Yan called her name, with a warning tone in his voice:

  "I'm not negotiating with you."

  Lan Su grabbed her skirt. She felt like she was suddenly back in the Lan family, a time when she became an obedient tool. Just like the meat hanging on the stall, whether to buy it or not is entirely up to the buyer.

  She didn't know why Huo Yan suddenly had the idea to take a bath with her. But while she was thinking, her body had already reacted.

  There was no argument or resistance.

  She walked to the clothes rack, turned her back to Huo Yan, and pulled down the zipper of her dress. The thin fabric was pushed aside on both sides, and the line of her spine was sunken half a finger deep. Her butterfly bones moved with the bending and stretching of her arms, blurred by the mist.

  Being obedient is what Lan Su has been best at over the past decade.

Being too submissive aroused a sense of guilt in Huo Yan, and the water droplets on her eyelashes shook, reflecting a few rays of light.

  At that moment, she felt that Lan Su was not the person who saved her that year. Because that person came against the light, with the smell of blood and gunpowder, and even though he was seriously injured and heading for a desperate situation, his eyes were sharper than hooks, as if he would tear off a piece of the other person's flesh even if he died.

  Unlike Lan Su, she does whatever others tell her to do, like a yes-man hiding in the mud, being swallowed up by this turbid world.

  The sound of the pool water was heard faintly. Lan Su put one hand around his chest and went into the water facing her sideways. He did not relax his brows until the water level reached above his chest.

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