[ 001 ] - Prey For The Wicked.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
The Grabber, implied abuse, ptsd, paranoia, implied neglect..

Note: I haven't watched the movie so if characters are extremely un-canon in the 20+ chapters of Steve's nightmare fuel that I've drafted up so far, well, yeah.. enjoy :)

Also, for the whole Finn and Robin thing, it's in the past- I've tried to write that they still somewhat have feeling for each other like 'you'll also love your first love' but there 𝗗𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗘𝗟𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗡'𝗧 be Robin x Finn/Steve so please respect that.. Robin will 𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗟𝗟 be 13 just like the other ghosts won't age while Steve/Finn does. Robin will however eventually help Calix and Finn/Steve get together because Cal is the only guy Robin would like to 'take his place' and there will be some Bruce x Vance cause yeah.. hope that makes sense (I'm only stating so there's hopefully no confusion later down the line)   :)


Steve stood in his kitchen as the sound of a phone rang loudly, it only ever brought back the memories of every single thing he wanted to forget.

If you asked years ago about what his worst fear was.. well, it wouldn't of been a phone ringing that's for sure.. and the fact he was still flinching or jumping at the daunting sound, he would of laughed and told you you were crazy to even think something like that.

The only reason he even kept a phone was for the kids really.

There were seven of them so far and it wasn't like he even talked to them much, either just in passing or when their family members needed someone to look after them if everyone else was busy.

Being a backup babysitter was not something Finney Blake ever imagined being, but then again.. did Finney Blake even really exist in the world anymore?

All that remained was the empty shell that became 'Steve Harrington'. This dumb-as-bricks jock who was an asshole, his own worst nightmare- a bully.

He hated what he became, wanted to believe he wouldn't turn out like Moose, that he wouldn't be like anyone who bullied him in the past..

But Finney made that promise,

Steve did not.

Maybe the real reason he kept the phone- the disconnected one in the kitchen- was just simply and secretly just the small slither of hope he had to reunite with the five that helped him on his worst days, the reasons he was still alive in the first place along with his younger sister, Gwen, who he hadn't seen once since leaving Denver and moving to Hawkins four years ago..

But like always, Steve would give in, it was in his nature to care for the kids so he opted to pick up the phone and instant regret set in as he could hear a very familiar voice on the other side, "you need to tell them the truth, Finney".

For a second Steve thought his phone was bugged or he was having delusions, that's all it was the first time too, right?

It felt so real though, even as the confusion set into Steve's mind. What truth exactly was the voice even talking about?

The fact he was lying to his best friend Tommy Hagan, Tommy's girlfriend, Carol Perkins, or even Steve's girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler, about who he really was..

The fact that his father wasn't in New York with his mother, his adoptive parents were, not his real ones..

Or was this about him?

Maybe even about them?

Steve didn't want it to be the last two, but Steve knew things never really went his way, especially when he wanted it to as his heart started thumping in a panic.

"what truth?", Steve asked the voice, his own coming out shaky as he took a quick glance at the brown bandana that was tied onto his left wrist before he forced his eyes towards a random dot on one of the kitchen walls.

The voice on the other side didn't sound happy in the slightest, Steve knew it wouldn't be either as it spoke in a deep and harsh tone, "You know exactly what truth I am talking about, Finney".

Steve started to shake, for the whole four years nobody had called him by that name except for in his dreams or rather nightmares, since the Harrington family didn't think 'Finney Blake' was a proper name-

Steve would call bullshit on that though.

Everything was supposed to sound posh and stuck up to the Harrington's, it's not like they even stayed around long enough to know if Steve went back to using Finney as his name,

It was his birth one after all and in some weird way, it gave him a sense of belonging.

"Who is this?" Steve demanded, feeling himself shaking as he clutched his phone as he started to wonder who was on the end of the line, thinking it may be a serial killer on the hunt for its innocent and unknowing prey or someone even trying to prank him..

The voice on the other side laughed mockingly before speaking lowly, like a whisper that Steve definitely didn't want to hear, "who else do you think you fool with that name change, hm? It's not so easy to change who you really are.. I can see into your soul, Finney Blake"

And just like that the panic began to really set in at this point, Steve was starting to sweat and felt himself starting to have a small panic attack as flashbacks of his past- the one he desperately wanted to forget- had started to fill his memory, as if to remind him of his place.

Nothing but prey for the wicked.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now