[ 020 ] - Not A Lover Either.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied child death, implied murder, panic attacks..


"I'm really sorry" Steve said, not once daring to lift his head up to look at them as instant regret set inside him.

Vance sighed as he pushed off the doorframe and sat down beside Steve against the wall on the floor, slightly annoyed but he couldn't stay mad at Finney just for ruining the mood, it wasn't like he'd done it on purpose, he was just cluelessly talking again.

He put an arm around Steve's shoulder, comforting him slightly, "it's alright.. just try not to mention it again. It's not exactly the best fucking thing to reminisce about, you get that don't you, Finney Blake?"

"Yep, absolutely. God I'm being so fucking insensitive to you guys and you could just vanish again at any point" Steve mutters more to himself as a scoff escaped Vance, rolling his eyes.

Vance kept his arm around Steve and gave him a light nudge, slight fondness in his voice again as he spoke, a small chuckle laced into his words, "hey. Hey, Shitbrick. I'm right here, you're panicking over nothing. We're not vanishing any time soon, even if you are being so stupidly fucking oblivious and super fucking insensitive to the fact you were the only one who escaped. So take a deep breath, idiot."

Steve nodded and breathed slowly as Vance watched him, he did look like he was having a mini panic attack for a moment.

Vance reached a hand up and ran it through Steve's hair soothingly, "just slow your breathing down, Finney Blake. You'll be okay.. you're safe here with me and the other ghosts, we're not letting you go again, we promise"

"That's.. creepy but nice I guess" Steve muttered making another scoff escaped Vance at that as he rolled his eyes again, his hand still running through Steve's hair to try and help him relax.

"you're really gonna fucking call me creepy and then say it's nice? Do you want me to keep being creepy or not? Cause I can make this a lot creepier if ywant me to." Vance said in an attempt to cheer Steve up again.

"No. I think we should all be done with people being creepy for at least a lifetime" Steve stated giving Vance a playful glare.

"oh really? So my creepiness doesn't do anything for you, Finney Blake? You're saying I'm not attractive when I'm being my normal amount of creepiness? That's a fucking shame, really. I thought you'd be so into how creepy I was, I thought that'd be your favourite quality about me." Vance tells him with a smug smile.

"I'm sure your boyfriend likes your creepyness" Steve snarks back teasingly making Vance scoff and rolled his eyes, though inside he felt a small bit of happiness, god he'd never get used to having someone call Bruce his boyfriend.

It still made him feel all giddy inside and happy, he loved it and a tiny smile appeared on his face, "shut it, Finney Blake. You're just jealous that I've got a boyfriend and you don't."

"I do have a girlfriend you know" Steve stated since it was true, he did have Nancy which only made Vance's roll his eyes, he knew Finn had a girlfriend, but Vance wasn't the kind of guy who could back down from this kind of fight, unless it was the only option.

"Go kiss Bruce" Steve states knowing he'd get to Vance and smiled when he saw Vance's eyes widen and then his blush grow a slightly deeper shade of red on his features.

"that the best comeback you have? Go kiss Bruce. God Finney Blake, you're such a genius, a real smooth operator, aren't you?" Vance spoke smugly as Steve answered him simply with, "Damn right"

Vance scoffed lightly at that though the blush stayed on his face as he spoke, "oh you're just so awesome little Finney Blake. You're so cool and such a smooth fucking operator, it's not like you're an absolute dumbass with no idea how to talk to people. Of course not. You're so good at talking to people, especially your girlfriend."

"Vance, breathe" Steve tells him as he noticed Vance was beginning to have a mild panic attack that made Steve frown in confusion at.

They were just teasing, he didn't think he'd get a reaction like this from Vance..

Vance's took a slow deep breath, trying to calm himself down while he had been trying to hide his blush as much as possible from Steve but he couldn't help it, thinking about Bruce always made him so flustered.

It took a moment before he was calm enough and then he spoke, though his voice was barely above a whisper, "I'm breathing, Finn.."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now