[ 031 ] - Sleepovers And Shit.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
implied eating disorder, self neglect, ptsd, depression, I think that's it..


The Boys stood there in silence for a moment, completely frozen as shock and horror filled them at just what he had admitted to them.

After a long, long moment, Vance spoke up quietly in a broken whisper, "Finn- that's almost five years. You've only been eating snacks and little bits of things this whole time?"

"I know.. I just, I don't feel that hungry anymore after everything" Steve admitted with a small shoulder shrug making the boys all horrified now at the thought Steve hadn't been eating properly in those four years, horrified at the idea that he wasn't even hungry that much anymore.

After a moment, Griffin spoke up quietly
"Finn.. you've been practically starving for four years?" But all Steve shot back was a simple, "I'm fine"

The boys all fell silent at that, all of them staring up at Steve in utter heartbreak as Vance spoke up in an urgent need for an argument, "Finney, you fucker. You are not fine. You need to eat, dumby. Now. This can't fucking go on any longer, it's dangerous. I fucking know you're not hungry, that's fucking normal with how many fucking years it's been now, but you still need to at least fucking try and eat. Right now. Please"

But Steve just stayed silent as he listened to him, Vance sighed in response to that, utterly frustrated at Steve's refusal to listen to him.

Suddenly, a look of realization and horror dawned on Robin's face as a thought hit him, and he spoke up a bit urgently, "Finn.. how much have you been sleeping?" Making Steve silently walk over to Robin put his head down on his shoulder.

That reaction from Steve was almost just as distressing as his response to the eating question had been.

All five boys froze in place, their eyes widening as they realized that was the answer to that question, that that reaction was all they needed to know that their Finney clearly wasn't sleeping much, or if he was, he was either having nightmares or he was having trouble actually resting.

Robin was utterly devastated by this realization, the thought that Finn had clearly been struggling to sleep sending a wave of anguish through him. As he stood frozen, his expression twisted further and further with horror at the thought, tears began to well in his eyes as he spoke but he wanted to look strong in-front of him, "Cariño, how the hell are you functioning?"

"I don't know anymore, dude" Steve muttered into Robin's shoulder, the statement was so vague, so ominous and proved just how bad Steve's sleep was that he couldn't even figure out how he was functioning anymore?

"Please" Steve muttered weakly as he closed his eyes. As they listened to him mutter, it was clear that the boys all knew one thing for sure,

Steve had reached his limit.

He had been struggling for years to do what he needed to do, struggle to take care of himself, survive... and now he'd reached a point where he simply couldn't take anymore, and he couldn't keep fighting.

"Please don't let go of me, Pequeña Ave" Steve muttered weakly as Robin immediately tightened his grip on Steve in response to his word, wrapping his arms around him and gently pulling him into a firmer and more protective hold.

"it's okay, Finn.. I'm not going to let go of you.. not now, and not ever. I'll keeping you safe. You got that, Cariño? You're protected now"

Everyone was silent after that, all of them still just watching as Robin and Steve stood there, Robin wrapped around Steve in what looked like an attempt to shield him from the world.

They all waited a long moment, letting Steve just cling to Robin, before Billy spoke up quietly as if not to startle Steve in that moment, "Finn.. we should probably get in bed"

"No way.. my bed is not big enough for me and five ghosts" Steve stated simple making Bruce suddenly speak up with clear enthusiasm, "yes it is. We can all fit, Finn."

"Suffocation by ghosts on my own bed is not how I want to be killed you know, and definitely not what I want on my tombstone" Steve muttered before Griffin spoke up, sounding utterly exhausted as he said, "Finney. You either sleep the bed with your five ghost boyfriends tonight or I carry your ass back to Billy's house."

"Firstly, Billy doesn't have a house and secondly you're not my ghost boyfriends weirdo and thirdly you're not that strong, Little Ghost" Steve smirked at Griffin making Vance lightly slap Steve on the arm, "Finney. That was a joke. Obviously we're not your boyfriends. But the fact you jumped on that and not the fact we said you were gonna have all five of us sleeping in your tiny little fucking bed tells me you actually might want that to happen. Which you should be aware, you do not have the ability to veto."

"Veto?" Steve asked looking over at Vance in confusion. "Yeah, Veto" Vance said as he gave him an irritated look, "it fucking means that you don't get to say no to the idea. We're gonna sleep in your tiny ass bed and you're just gonna deal with it otherwise I'll kick you're little ass till you let us and you know I'll fucking win"

Steve gave him a weird look at Vance's audacity before shrugging it off making The Boys all seem to relax upon seeing Steve's agreement, all of them nodding in satisfaction as they looked at him and spoke softly, "it's fucking settled then. We're all gonna sleep in your bed tonight like a fucking sleepover. You can't get out of that agreement now, paperboy. There's five of us and only one of you, so you've been outvoted."

"Actually I didn't hear Robin agree to this"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now