[ 014 ] - Pequeño Soldado.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
mention of child death..


Robin looked over, greeting Steve with a small nod and smile but then raised an eyebrow, "you seem distracted. Something on your mind, Finn?"

"I just.. I don't know how to talk to you without being weird" Steve admitted as he sat down on the floor, back against the wall with his legs crossed as he look over at Robin.

Robin tilted his head in slight confusion at Steve's statement before he asked in slight amused "what do you mean? You aren't weird, Finn"

"No I mean like, uh, technically you're still 13 and I'm now 17 but we were born on the same year.. like that's weird" Steve explained the best he could, making Robin's expression turn slightly surprised and slightly guilty.

he hadn't really thought about it that way..

"oh.. oh yeah, that.. I guess it is a little strange, huh? Sorry, did that make things weird?" Robin asked as he looked at the bandana on Steve's left wrist before moving his eyes back to Steve's face.

"Hm? It's not like you guys asked to not age so I don't mind it... it's just weird since like, you all look the same just bloody and then I'm still alive and aging and all that bullshit" Steve explained while running his hand through his hair nervously.

At that statement, a look of guilt came over Robin as he shifted nervously, this conversation was making him feel guilty in a way because, he felt bad for not knowing how not to be weird for Finney.. he had thought this had been okay, but if he was making the other guy feel uncomfortable then- "I'm sorry, Finn" he said quietly before he added on, "I can't help that I still look like this.. I'm sorry"

"No, Robin. It's not your fault, you guys didn't ask to die, I'm sorry for being insensitive" Steve spoke quickly trying to get his words out the best he could making Robin shake his head, it was obvious he still felt somewhat guilty and was worried he'd been making him feel uncomfortable.

"it's not your fault either, Cariño.. I know this is an awkward situation for you as well.. so, don't apologize to me, I can tell that I'm making you uncomfortable-" Robin started but got cut off quickly, "You never make me uncomfortable, Robin"

Robin went pink slightly at Steve's words out of guilt and embarrassment before he spoke quietly, "yes I do, Finn.. don't lie to make me feel better. I can tell you're flustered by me not aging and yet you keep aging.. don't deny that it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable-"

"It's weird, not uncomfortable" Steve stated in a matter of honestly making Robin feel slightly guilty again at Steve's words, "I know.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean-.. wait, really? You're not uncomfortable by it?"

"I'm fine with it if you guys are, you're still the same person like before" Steve said as he shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

A look of slight relief and a small smile appeared on Robin's face at Steve's words, so he hadn't made him uncomfortable after all.

The guilt that had started to build in Robin's chest from thinking that he'd made his Finney uncomfortable started to fade away slightly.

"Okay.. okay that's good, I was worried that-" he then stopped himself suddenly, he was close to bringing up his feelings for Finney right then but decided to just push that thought aside as he spoke quietly, "I just thought you'd be freaked out by how we still look and stuff, y'know?"

"I want to, but only because you're all bloody and bruised" Steve chuckles lightly trying to lighten the mood but it only confused Robin, "oh, you want to have us look as we did when we were alive.. yeah, so do I. Being like this is not fun in the slightest and not exactly what you'd call pretty"

"And I'm being insensitive again.. sorry, Robin" Steve spoke softly before he let out an exhausted sigh while Robin shook his head in protest slightly at Steve's apology as he smiled, "it's okay, Finn, you don't have to keep apologizing. I know you're trying to make me feel better, but I should be the one apologizing to you"

"What, why?" Steve asked after he sat quietly in a silent and confused few minutes while a small blush appeared on Robin's face, avoiding Steve's gaze once more as he looked down shyly, he looked almost embarrassed.

".. because, this is uncomfortable for you, Pequeño soldado, I'm sure, I know you're trying to keep me from feeling guilty by downplaying it, but I still feel guilty. It's only normal for you to feel weird about it.. I never really asked how this all felt for you, so I'm-" he trailed off again.

Robin didn't want to accidentally say anything else that would make the conversation more awkward and uncomfortable than it already was.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now