[ 009 ] - Ghostly Love.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Uh, none?


"You know, I regret ever being scared of you, you're like a giant softie" Steve stated to Vance smugly as they sat around the kitchen now since Steve felt hungry and decided to snack on some Pringles.

Vance snorted in annoyance before he gave Steve a small shove on the arm, "shut up, Finney Blake, I'm not a giant, softie" he argued making the boys all chuckle at the blondes reaction before Bruce said with a teasing tone "you totally are, V"

"You should listen to your boyfriend, Pinball" Steve stated with a smile as he continued to snack as a round of laughter came from the boys.

"he's right, Vance, you definitely are a big softie. I bet a little puppy dog could kick your fat butt" Griffin told him in a matter of fact making all of them laugh loudly, except for Vance who just tried and failed to suppress the bright red tint that took over his face.

Vance huffed loudly in slight embarrassment before he looked at Steve and said in a slightly flustered tone "shut up, Finney Blake" making Billy, Bruce and Griffin all just laugh even louder, Robin watching them in amusement as he shook his head.

"Did you tell him yet?" Steve asks Vance causing the blonde to flush even more red again with embarrassment as he remained silent for a few moments before he muttered in a grumpy tone "no.."

"You'd be cute together, maybe tell him soon" Steve advised with his mouth full of Pringles as the boys all burst out with even more laughter.

Billy then spoke in his usual playful tone, "Vance, man, you and Bruce? I mean, we all saw it coming, how are you two not already together?", making both Bruce and Vance become extremely red.

Vance huffed and muttered "shut up" while Bruce muttered in quiet defense, "hey, we aren't together.." Steve let out a small chuckle and said quietly "yet"

Billy continued laughing as Griffin spoke with an amused tone, "I mean, Finn's kinda got a point. You're practically dating already" making the boys laugh again as Bruce and Vance became redder in embarrassment.

Steve was struggling not to laugh at the situation himself as he watched them turn even redder while Bruce and Vance turned towards each other, still extremely flushed red from embarrassment before Vance muttered in a small grumble, "it wouldn't hurt to try.."

Steve couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Vance's comment before he said loudly, "go on then, you can do it, Buddy!" and as expected, the boys all started laughing again, and even more when Vance muttered out, "why are you pushing me to do this?"

"I just.. I want you all happy" Steve admitted as he still kept cramming Pringles in his mouth while the boys all stopped laughing and they all turned towards Steve with a slight look of shock and surprise.

"Finn..", Bruce said slowly in a quiet tone and then Billy was the first one to pull himself together and he ask in a quiet voice, "you.. you want us to be happy?"

"Yep, I want you assholes happy.. I was only friends with Robin when you were alive.. so I wanna, try and make you all happy somehow I guess" Steve admitted to them as he finished the Pringles.

The boys all just continued to stare at Steve in shock and surprise, "I- Finn, that's.. that's really sweet.." Bruce said slowly like he was trying to think of the right words to say as Griffin nodded quietly, still trying to find words as Vance said in a quiet and unsure voice, "I.. I didn't think you would actually care about us, Finney Blake"

"Well, you're practically my only real friends, even though your technically not real but whatever" Steve stated causing The boys to all stare at him in shock for another few moments.

"wait, are you trying to tell us that you view us as your friends?", Bruce asks in amusement causing Steve to roll his eyes and speak in a slightly sarcastic manner, "yes, you idiots, you're my friends, best friends.. you're my assholes, my annoying ghost friends"

The boys all snorted with small laughs again before Billy spoke teasingly, "aw, we're your ghosts, are we?" Causing Steve to roll his eyes at him.

"obviously. You're dead" Steve stated simply making the boys burst out with their loud laughter again, they just couldn't handle their Finney's bluntness sometimes.

The boys all kept on laughing hysterically, all except Vance who say quiet and deep in thought, the others were too busy laughing to notice, all except Steve that was as he realised something was clearly on the blondes mind, "you okay, Pinball? You're kinda quiet, it's not like you"

The boys all stopped their hysterical laughter and turned towards Vance as well as they all gave him a curious look, he was never one for staying quiet and was always making comments or insults, but he was just silently sat there in thought.

Bruce gave Vance a small nudge on the shoulder and said "V? You good?" making Vance just let out a small chuckle before he looked away.

A few moments later he looked back at Steve and was trying to sound casual, "so, Finney Blake.. you and Robin. Are you two.. close?"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now