[ 023 ] - Sister, Oh, Sister.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
slight mention of the grabber..

Note: we're gonna ignore the fact I left out a few characters from the info and act one pages 🫡 -gonna add them there when chapter 39 is out 🥲


"Yeah, that's uh, that's me.. who is this?" steve asked into the disconnected phone in a mix of confusion and worry as a small sniffle on the other side of the line was heard, the person was speaking quickly to get it all out, "oh my god, Finney. P-Please don't h-hang up on me. I-It's me, Gwen.."

"Gwenny?" Steve asked quietly in surprise as his eyes widened slightly. He was confused about how exactly she was able to call him on a phone that didn't work but stranger things have happened so he wasn't going to ask about it in that moment.

More sniffling sounds came from the other side of the line before Gwen spoke up quickly and quietly with sobs, "y-yeah, it's me. Oh god, I h-haven't heard your v-voice in s-so long.."

"Four years, you sound different, less bitchy" Steve teased to lighten the mood which seemed to work to at least slightly lighten the mood because they made Gwen let out a small choked laugh, but she started speaking again almost immediately afterwards, her voice shaky, "god, only you can make a joke like that at a time like this.. I'm crying and you're teasing me."

"I miss you too, Gwenny" Steve chuckles out making Gwen's breath catch in her throat slightly, she almost started crying more at those words but she managed to get herself together enough to choke out a response, "I've missed you s-so much, Finney.."

"Not to kill the reunion, but why are you calling? You don't use the phone since.. -so it's something urgent I assume, possibly to do with your dreams, hm?" Steve asked making a small silence hang around for a moment on the other side of the line.

Gwen finally spoke again hesitantly, "yeah, yeah you're right.. I just- look, is there any chance I could meet you somewhere, maybe at your house? I-I really need to tell you something.."

"You can live here if you wanna Gwenny, you're still my sister" Steve stated making Gwen start sniffing and sobbing softly again, clearly trying and failing to hold it together.

She spoke with a shaky tone but still softly sobbing, "I've missed being your sister, Finn.. I'd just need your address.. I'll be right over.."

"Uh, yeah, sure" Steve said and gave the new address over to her making Gwen repeat the address to make sure she had it, before her voice came back more firm, "I'll be right over.. thank you, Finney" and then just like that, the call went dead.

Steve chuckled as he put back the phone and turned back towards the ghost boys as he wiped his eyes, he didn't even notice they had started watering in the first place.

The other ghosts all waited in silence until Steve had put down the phone and the moment he did they all let out a breath they'd been holding, they all were so scared that he would have been on the other end.

They let out a collective sigh of relief before Griffin spoke up with a light tone, "so who was it? How'd the call go?"

"It was nice actually.. Gwen is coming over and I hope she's staying" Steve informed them as he ran a hand through his hair and then looked over at them.

That statement made all of the ghosts' faces light up immediately in excitement and Griffin was the first one to speak again, his excitement filling the room, "god, for real? She's actually coming over to stay with you for a while?", Billy and Vance also had somewhat excited looks on their faces as they repeated Griffin's question, "is she really staying with you?"

"She's my sister so yes.. I forgot only Robin and Bruce knew her before.. but she'd be fifteen now so slightly older than you Ghost Boys and she can also see you like I can so you'd most likely be able to talk to her like you are with me"

The other ghosts continued excitedly talking all at once; Griffin was excitedly gushing away about possibly having another person who could see them, Bruce and Robin were trying to figure out what Gwen would look like now that she was fifteen, and Billy and Vance was just standing there silently, smiling with excitement.

Griffin spoke up happily again, his voice almost a babble as he gushed, "god, this is so exciting! We'll have another person to talk to and she's your sister! She'll be staying with us as well and I bet she'll fit right in and we can help her adjust to having the ability and just- god yes! I'm so excited! Are you excited?"

"I think everyone's excited, Bud. Even Vance" Steve said as he smirked while he wrapped a friendly arm around Griffin's shoulders but making sure his movement was slow enough that Griffin could tell what he was doing.

Griffin beamed at the arm on his shoulder, always enjoying a hug from Finney or the others while Vance just scoffed at being referred to, he wasn't excited, that was stupid.

Vance was just happy for Finney because his sister was coming to stay with them and he was happy for him.

He wasn't excited, obviously not.

Griffin, Billy and Robin all looked around at the same time and didn't see Vance, they all exchanged glances and Griffin spoke up hesitantly, "um, Finney.. where did Vance go..?"

"..What?" Steve asked and looked over at where Bruce was sat and didn't see Vance..

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now