[ 42 ] - Taking The Threats Out.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Kissing? None?

Note: this book is back to being number one in the griffinstagg hashtag and is was number one in the finneyblake hashtag a few days ago too, thanks for the support on this book <3


All five ghost boys immediately burst into laughter upon hearing Steve talk about Bruce and Vance kissing, each of them feeling their chests fill with a mix of affection.

Griffin tried to speak through his laughter in attempt to tease them more, "oooooh, you just had to call those two out didn't you? You had to call out the kissing-obsessed couple that those two are!"

After a few moments of laughter, Robin managed to ask between his own laughter, "do you really think they'll start kissing now, Finn? They've been surprisingly good at holding themselves back"

"I bet they will soon, Rob" Steve says with a knowing smirk, it was only a matter of time till Bruce would be able to get a kiss from Vance, he was Vance's one weak spot after all-

Other than pinball of course..

Robin immediately fell into more laughter at that, struggling slightly to get his words out, "how much are you willing to bet, Chico Inteligente?"

"Willing to bet your bandana stash, Pequeña Ave?" Steve asked in a small, lighthearted tease making Robin immediately stop and look at Steve in surprise.

Robin gave him a slightly shocked and hurt look as he spoke, "my bandana stash?Really, Finn? No way I'm putting that at risk when you're not even one hundred percent sure they'll kiss"

Steve couldn't help but laugh at the appalled face Robin was making while Robin continued to look at Steve with a glare as he muttered in an unamused voice, "what's so funny, Finn? It's not like putting my bandana stash on the line is something to be so amused by-"

"Actually it is" Steve spoke with a teasing smirk, "it's just so amusing how seriously you've taken my teasing and how flustered you-" Steve paused once more as he was interrupted by Bruce and Vance suddenly, the two boys suddenly sharing a quick but passionate kiss in front of the others.

"Damn. I thought they'd last longer" Steve mutters as the other three boys were stunned into silence, each one watching silently for a moment before all falling into laughter, Billy spoke through his own laughs, "they really couldn't hold back any longer"

"Go, V!" Steve cheered playfully for Vance making Robin, griffin and Billy immediately burst into more laughter.

They were all of them enjoying watching the show of how happy the two kissing looked before Vance and Bruce broke apart, each boy shooting the other a flushed and fond look.

"Well.. damn, Finn.. now I'm out of my bandana stash, as promised", Robin muttered affectionately in defeat, shooting a teasing look at a pleased looking Steve as he added with a fond chuckle, "are you happy, Cariño?"

"With you? Always am" Steve spoke an d winked with a chuckle before laughing lightly while Robin couldn't help the heat that immediately rushed to his cheeks upon hearing Steve's statement.

Robin immediately flushed and leaned in to press a soft and tender kiss to Finn's cheek, immediately pulling away after a few moments and gently ruffling his slightly messy hair affectionately, "you're such a sap"

"..did you just kiss me?" Steve asked confused making Robin flush a little deeper as he heard surprise in his Finn's tone, an amused expression filling his face as he replied with a small chuckle, "yeah, I kissed your cheek. Did you think you'd be the only one planting kisses?"

"Oh.. you mean the forehead one?" Steve asked making Robin nod, "Yeah" Robin replied simply with a chuckle, giving Steve a soft and affectionate look before adding with a warm smile, "you like to give forehead kisses so I figured I'd return the favor"

"So.. you like to give cheek kisses then?" Steve frowned slightly making Robin roll his eyes playfully, "I just like giving you kisses" Robin spoke affectionately, shooting Steve a small smile as he added in a teasing tone, "cheek kisses, forehead kisses, head kisses, maybe one day lip kisses too-"

Steve raised an eyebrow at his words making Robin smile and shake his head, "what's that look for, Finn? Don't tell me you'd be opposed to lip kisses-"

"Nah, but the only way we'd kiss is if you posed my future partner or something and you're not doing that" Steve states and crosses his arms.

That statement only made Robin grin more as he spoke, "who says I won't pose as your partner? That's a very daring assumption, Finn-"

"Jesus Christ" Steve breathed out giving Robin a daring look making Robin bite back his laughter at Steve's words, loving the way that the other's face flustered, immediately teasing him, "come on now, do I really look like the type to stop myself from posing as your future boyfriend?"

"I bet you'd try something like that" Steve huffs out as Robin smiles at that answer, his expression affectionate and amused, "you're not wrong there, Cariño, I'd totally try something like that. Or perhaps I'd wait for you to get a boyfriend and possess him. That'd probably be more effective"

"..would you actually?" Steve asks in confusion. Was that a possible thing that could happen? Could the ghost boys possess people?

Robin chuckled slightly as he replied, "no way. There's no way in hell I'd be comfortable possessing your hypothetical boyfriend.. I'd just have to take out the competition in a more physical manner"

"You're not fighting my future boyfriend" Steve stated, already knowing exactly where Robin's mind was going.

Once a fighter, always a fighter.

Robin immediately gave a teasing smile, his eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and affection as he spoke slightly teasingly, "if a boy comes over in the future and tries to take you from me.. I fully reserve my right to take him out, you hear me, Finn?"

"So you're gonna take out Nancy too, since I'm with her right now" Steve asks, he wouldn't put it past Robin to take out any potential 'threat', he was used to seeing Robin fight by now.

Robin gave an amused little grin at his Finn's question, immediately replying playfully, "sure, if she gets in the way, then I'll find a way to get rid of her too. I'd do it quickly and efficiently, I promise"

"You're.. definitely something, Pequeña Ave"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now