[ 017 ] - Bandana Mayhem.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied child death..


Robin laughed again at Steve's comment, the teasing tone made butterflies fill his stomach and he was sure his cheeks were a little pink by this point, but he was trying really hard to not make that obvious.

Robin was going to play along still and see how far this 'threat' went, so he spoke in a slightly mocking tone, "for now?.. wow, Finn, such confidence.. so you plan on taking them away later?"

"Maybe I just won't give you my bandana stash" Steve said with a smirk as he leaned back against the wall against watching how Robin's eyes widened again and the butterflies in his stomach only grew more at the sight.

Robin couldn't believe it, no way was paperboy actually going to be cheeky enough and threatening to take away his bandana stash.

That was a low blow.

Robin couldn't help the hurt look that appeared, "you wouldn't! You wouldn't take away my bandana stash, you know I have a collection" making Steve scoff lightly, "Well, technically it's more my collection now and I'm not even sure you can wear them now but maybe I'll let you have them back"

Robin gave a hurt and shock though he couldn't control the pink blush that was on his cheeks because no way was his Finn actually gonna dangle the offer of getting the bandana stash over his head like that, he was being too cheeky, "What do you mean 'maybe' you'll let me have them back?! They're mine!"

"I know, Rob. Jesus Christ. I just meant, since you're not here anymore they're technically mine, but I would never keep them from you.. except this one" Steve said seriously as he looked at the brown bandana around his left wrist-

The one Robin wore last.

The same one he made The Grabber give him before things went- yeah, he wasn't going to think about that now..

The pink blush on Robin's cheeks darkened slightly as he couldn't take his eyes off of it for a moment, then after a moment he looked away, feeling slightly shy all over again, "I don't mind if you keep that one, Carinõ"

Then suddenly, a thought formed in Robin's mind, he had an idea to try and test how flustered he could get Finney as well.. it was only fair, Finn could always get him so worked up.. it was his turn.

A smirk appeared on Robin's features as he suddenly lunged forward, grabbing a hold of Steve's wrist gently and looking up at him mischievously.

"What are you up to, Arellano?" Steve asked amused as Robin let a chuckle leave his mouth, he was really gonna do it.. he never had the confidence to do something like this so why not now?

After taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of Finney's wrist wrapped in his fingers, he looked up at him and spoke teasingly, a slight smirk on his face, "just testing something, Cariño.. no need to get nervous"

"I'm not nervous, just curious since I know you're up to something" Steve stated as he looked at Robin with a smile.

"Oh really now" Robin said in an amused tone as he tightened his grip on his wrist slightly, he really was loving being the one to have power over Finney right now, that never happened, he was always the one being flustered by the brunette...

As he spoke his voice dropped into a slightly sultry tone "cause, to me it seems you are getting a bit nervous, paperboy.."

"Shut up" Steve scoffed making Robin smirk as a mischievous gleam shone in his eyes at Steve's response, he was definitely making Steve flustered now.

Robin's grip tightened slightly more on Steve's wrist before he said in a slightly mocking tone, a teasing edge laced into his words "make me"

"I'm not punching you, weirdo" Steve stated in a mix of confusion and fact which only encouraged Robin's actions, he liked this more than he was gonna admit.

He wanted to keep this going, he liked the idea of getting a reaction from Finney as he leaned closer to him, getting dangerously close to his face, his grip still on his wrist as he mocked cockily, his tone still a little sultry "then how are you gonna make me shut up, Finn?"

"I will steal all your bandanas, maybe give them to Vance or Bruce" Steve stated with a smirk making Robin's eyes almost widened in terror for a second before a small pout appeared.

Robin's grip loosened slightly as he said in a fake annoyance, "don't you dare. Don't even think about it, Finney. you wouldn't dare"

"I might, what are you gonna do about it, Ghost Boy?"

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