[ 024 ] - The Five Moods.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied child death, implied self neglect..


"Pinball, where are you?" Steve called loudly as the other ghosts all looked around for a moment, trying to find Vance before Griffin spoke up again, a bit of worry in his voice, "I don't see him anywhere.. Vance? Buddy, where are you?"

"If I call you a softie can you come here?" Steve called out making Billy and Robin laugh quietly at Steve's teasing jab and Griffin let out a playful scoff, a fond yet amused smile on his face as he shook his head at Steve.

But after a few seconds, Vance suddenly appeared there, standing beside Steve with an unamused look on his face as he rolled his eyes, a light tone in his voice, "yeah, yeah, what do you want, Finney Blake? Here to tease me some more, Asshat?"

"Where did you go?" Steve asked simply making Vance roll his eyes, scoffing slightly before speaking with a sarcastic tone, "I just went to the kitchen, Jesus, Finney Blake. That was all. Didn't have to make a big deal and call out for me or anything."

"We're in the kitchen, V. So don't lie" Steve states at the obvious lie Vance was telling him making Vance look around at that statement and his face screwed up in confusion for a moment, realising that they were actually in the kitchen.

He let out a scoff and a breath of air before shaking his head at Steve, "god, okay, I got lost on the way to the kitchen. You happy?"

"Why?" Steve asked simply, ignoring the fact Vance was still lying to him making Vance just roll his eyes again, scoffing slightly before he responded in a sarcastic tone, "well because I wanted to, Finney Blake. I was fucking bored. Is that so fucking hard to understand, Shitbrick? Jesus fucking Christ! You're so clingy!"

"I just don't want you wandering off in my house V, at least tell me when you're heading somewhere" Steve spoke quietly, not wanting to piss off Vance more seeing as that never usually ended well for the other person.

Vance looked at Steve blankly before scoffing loudly as he crossed his arms before speaking in an annoyed tone, "what, I have to fucking report my shit back to you anytime I take a fucking step to someplace within this shitty as fuck house? What the actual fuck are you? An owner of a dog or something?"

"Something like that.. But, I need to make sure nothing happens to you or the others okay? I couldn't fucking do anything to help last time so at least as ghosts I can try" Steve tells him as his hands rest on his own hips in annoyance.

Vance's had a small, fond look appear in his eyes as he spoke in a softer tone but was still clearly pissed off, "you don't have to fucking worry. We're ghosts, Finney Blake, it's not like we can actually fucking get hurt, remember? We're already fucking dead."

"Yeah, but you shouldn't be" Steve stated making Vance's expression hardened slightly as he spoke his voice had that familiar sarcastic edge to it, a little rougher than usual though, "yeah, yeah, Finney freaking Blake. Life isn't fucking fair. Get the fuck over it. Now let's just move on instead of fucking talking about this crap that we can't do shit about, okay?"

"Just.. just tell me if you want to disappear okay? Just let me know you're safe" Steve states as he lets out a sigh making Vance look a little surprised at Steve's statement.

Vance wasn't really used to people caring about him, especially not Finney.

He didn't know what to say exactly, he just nodded slowly and said simply, "okay, fine, okay I-", he hesitated, not quite used to talking about things like this, but he knew Finney was worried and concerned, he deserved something, so he sighed and spoke again quietly, "I'll let you know."

"Thank you.. that goes for all of you too" Steve states moving his hands off his hips and looking over at each of them.

The ghosts all nodded as Griffin spoke up with a happy tone, "obviously we'll let you know, Finn. I don't think it would be very considerate to just up and disappear without at least saying we're gonna do something.. plus, we're not all assholes like Vance."

"I can't worry about school or basketball if I'm constantly worrying about if you Shitheads are all safe" Steve said saounding exhausted, and to be fair he most likely was.

Vance scoffed and spoke up, a sarcastic tone back in his voice, "come on, don't be so dramatic, Finney Blake. It's really sweet you care so much, but we're fine. Can't you see we're already dead? We can't exactly get hurt anymore. Just breathe, dude. Breathe. Relax."

"I'm fine, V" Steve states giving Vance a playful glare making Vance just chuckle at him, shaking his head fondly before replying in a sarcastic tone, "oh yeah Finney Boy, sure you are. I bet you're totally fine. I can see how fucking fine you are just by looking at your face now. The bags under your eyes really paint you as a picture of health. You're doing just great."

"You try dealing with a constant ringing phone and five ghosts and see how you fair, Pinball" Steve argued making Vance just shake his head a little at Steve's jab.

Vance spoke with the usual sarcastic tone, "yeah, sure Finn, sure. I'm sure having to deal with us is so hard, what with how we're all here to help you and keep you from being alone. And the phone's ringing so much all the time, you must need a thousand naps to recover from it. You poor, tragic thing. However do you survive such suffering, Finney Blake?"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now