[ 004 ] - Bloody Letters.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied abuse, murder, the grabber, child death, ghosts, ptsd, blood..


Steve sank to his knees and just sat there with tears streaming down his face, what fresh hell was that, how was even it possible?

He was so confused and terrified, who was gonna believe him about this?


Nobody will believe that he was being haunted by a dead murderer.. the same one that he himself had murdered..

That would make no sense, unless someone had magically filmed the whole thing, and even that would still be more creepiness than Steve wanted to deal with.

He stayed sat there for a long time just feeling broken and alone until the phone rang again..

maybe it wasn't The Grabber again..

Steve shakily got up but stumbled slightly as his head spun with all the fear and anxiety and slowly tilted his head up, only to read a few words that were written into the roof in what he hoped was just red ink.

He blinked a few times to clear his vision until he saw that there were two words:

Look down.

Steve hesitantly looked down from the roof and was greeted by something that almost made him pass out..

Sitting by the pool, on the same side that Steve had just been on, were the five people that he had last seen four years ago, sitting there with wide grins on their faces, as if nothing had happened.

"Are- are you real? this can't be real" Steve whispered to himself as he made his way back to the pool, trying to get his legs to stop shaking.

It was reckless but Steve ended up standing right infront of them to figure out if they really were just in his head or really there in front of him.

Steve's heart was racing and he began to shake again. He got face to face with the five boys and they looked up at him with big grins on their faces, it felt like something out of a nightmare but this had to be real, right?

"..Vance.." steve said slowly, unsure of himself. If he wanted answers he tried Vance Hopper since he was the oldest -but more anger-prone too- compared to the others.

The five boys were silent for a few moments as they looked up at Steve before they all began to chuckle which slowly built up into loud laughter, which definitely freaked Steve out way more.

All five of them were laughing at the same time and even Vance, who was always so cold, had a small smile on his face before he said in a slightly mocking tone "took you long enough, Finney Blake"

"..but.. your souls should be at peace or something now, I don't understand how I can see you now, before it was just your voices through that phone.." Steve voiced his thoughts as confusion set in,

he was seeing ghosts.

Steve was actually going crazy.

The boy's laughter immediately disappeared, and their faces darkened slightly, they all exchanged a look with each other before they all seemed to sigh sadly and said at the same time, "because he won't let us go"

Steve tensed at the words and took a step back at how creepy them talking at the same time really was.

The boys all stood up and Steve took another step back in fear, but he wasn't scared of the boys of course, he was confused.

These boys were dead, how could they even be here?

The Grabber couldn't keep them here too, right?

Steve slowly raised his left hand and slowly reached towards the fourteen year old- more so to the matted and bloodied mullet on his head..

Surprisingly, Vance didn't seem to fight so Steve put his hand on Vance's head and realised that it really was real, these boys were actually here..

Steve wasn't crazy, and he could feel the contact between them and himself.

"What the fuck? nope, fuck that" Steve stated to himself as he started pacing, he was beginning to believe that this was all just a dream but it didn't feel like one it felt so real, and these five ghost boys were here for a reason.

"Why are you here? How are you even here?.. you guys died years ago, your souls should be at peace.. why aren't you? What's keeping you here?.." Steve ranted out his questions as the five boys fell silent and exchanged another look with each other.

The youngest - an eleven year old named Griffin Stagg- sighed, "don't be mad, but.. we actually don't know. But he won't let us go.. he's keeping us here somehow" as he looked back at Steve. "He?" Steve asked quietly, his whole body feeling numb.

The five boys slowly nodded and one of the others- a thirteen year old named Billy Showalter- said with a cold, almost emotionless voice, "He won't let us go, he's keeping us here just like he kept us in that fucking basement" Steve shivered and his chest began to ache at the mention of that basement once more.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now