[ 007 ] - Lo Siento, Robin.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied abuse, child death, ptsd..


"I'll have you know I'm very stalkable" Steve joked making Bruce laugh loudly at those words, "yeah that's true, Finn" Bruce stated once his laughter had calmed back down while Steve was getting amused as he realised how close they all were but now they were..

Like this..

"..Robin.." Steve muttered, he hadn't even looked towards him since all five ghost boys had appeared, he was probably scared of how he'd react to everything but Steve missed him, more than anything.

Steve carefully looked at the last boy in the group, a thirteen year old- Robin Arellano.

His Robin.

Robin had a slightly sad look in his eye as he looked at Steve before he said softly "Hey, Buddy. Don't cry", his voice was so quiet it was almost as if he was speaking to a little kid.

Steve wanted so badly to run over and give him a hug but he refrained as he said quietly "I'm not" as he wiped instinctively at his eyes.

The two boys just stared at each other for several moments before Robin spoke, "You are. I can see you, Cariño.. I missed you.." Steve wanted to say 'I missed you too' so badly but he was almost too afraid to speak

"lo siento, robin" Steve told him, since a simply apology was all he could must up to his deceased best friend..

Robin sighed sadly at those words and nodded slightly as he said, "yo también.." apologizing for what? Steve didn't know but he wasn't going to just start arguing making the two of them sit in silence for a few moments.

The other four ghost boys were the ones to break it by letting out a loud laugh enough, "Man, you two really are something, all mushy and shit", Billy teased with a large grin on his face.

"I'm not mushy" Steve argued making all five of the boys burst out with their loud laughter, "Oh, yes you are, Finn" Bruce said with a grin of his own making Steve sigh, rolling his eyes before he said with a hint of annoyance in his tone, "I'm not that mushy, I'm never like this"

The boys all fell silent as they looked at him before they all sighed and said all together, "Denial" while they all gave Steve a look of fake disappointment before they all started laughing again.

"It's Robin not me, blame him" Steve stated pointing towards Robin as if is would prove his point, but it only made The boys all rolled their eyes at that statement instead.

"yeah, sure, Finney Blake, it's definitely Robin that's the mushy one" Vance said using a sarcastic tone which caused the other boys to all burst out in laughter again before Griffin added playfully, "you are so in denial, Finney"

"About what?" Steve said as he smiled innocently making The boys all snort in laughter again before Vance spoke coldly, "you know what you are so in denial about, Finney Blake, stop acting like you don't" he said bluntly before he added in a slightly mocking tone, "your feelings"

"And you're not, Pinball?" Steve teased Vance making Vance just scoff before saying, "don't change the subject, Dipshit. You are way worse than I am when it comes to feelings"

"Nope, you're way worse, unless it's anger" steve stated with a smile before Griffin spoke loudly, "yeah, Vance definitely takes the cake when it comes to anger issues!"

Vance just rolled his eyes again before he gave Griffin a warning look while Billy spoke, "no, he's right. Your temper is really fucking crazy" making Vance glare at him before saying quietly, "I do not have anger issues"

"Really? You don't? How many times have you knifed someone for just disrupting your pinball games, again?" Steve asked in a smug tone as he leaned slightly closer to him with a playful glare.

The boys all looked at Steve before they had to physically cover their mouths so as not to laugh like maniacs again while Vance just looked at him with a cold expression again before said in an aggressive tone, "touché, Finney Blake. Fucking touché"

"So you can't talk, V" Steve stated with a smirk making Vance just huff in annoyance again before he muttered in an irritated tone, "you're a real smart-ass sometimes, you know that, Finney Blake?"

"Mhm.. but you know you'd miss it if I wasn't" Steve spoke smugly before chuckling, causing the boys to all snort with small laughs, "god, you two are insufferable" Bruce muttered lightly through a chuckle.

"That's brothers for you" Steve teased as he made a finger gun towards them while the boys all just continued to laugh.

"speaking of family, how is your dad these days, Dipshit?" Vance asks making Steve feel a small wave of fear wash over him at the mention of his abusive father, one that the boys seemed to notice.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now