[ 033 ] - Dumb Decision.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Slightly implied child death..


That seemed to help to soothe Robin somewhat, the boy letting out a soft sigh as tears continued to fall from his eyes, but otherwise composed himself, managing to speak in a quietly, "you do have us and you do have me and we're not letting go of you, not ever... we're gonna make sure you're okay, Cariño, that you're safe and you're loved and we're gonna take good care of you"

The other four boys were all watching quietly, all of them utterly heartbroken as they listened to Robin and Finn's conversation while they all stood quietly in place.

"I love you, Robin.. you know that" Steve stated quietly making Robin's breath get caught in his throat at that, his eyes widening and his heart pounding as he heard the others words.

Robin had never heard him say that so genuinely and full of love before, so he responded full of pure, genuine love back as he responded honestly, "of course I know that, Finn.. I love you too.."

"Hm? In what way?" Steve teased to lighten the mood since they both had stopped crying now which made Robin immediately break into a wide grin before laughing before he gave him an amused look, before responding back in a teasing tone, "which way do you think, Cariño?"

"Hm, dunno.. could be like a brother or a best friend.." Steve teased and Robin immediately scoffed at that, giving Steve a playful annoyed look as he gave him a light nudge on his arm, he pretended to be offended by the suggestion, speaking in a half joking tone, "best friends, huh? Is that really what you think of me? Just your weird and annoying best friend?"

"Oh, definitely, you're my most annoying best friend" Steve teased back making Robin just let out a dramatic gasp, speaking in a playful and overly offended tone as he gave Steve a wide-eyed look, "oh, I'm so fucking insulted, Finn" as he made a show of pressing a hand over his heart in attempt to backup his words, "I'm your most annoying best friend?"

"Way worse than Vance, and he's loud" Steve teased before laughing himself. "Hey!" Vance's offended shout rang through the air, the blonde boy standing there and looking utterly offended and hurt by Steve's words.

He crossed his arms as he gave Steve a look, with a pretend huff of annoyance, "Finney, you motherfucker! How could you say I'm annoying, I am a fucking delight!"

"You're perfect, V" Steve mused simply which seemed to help soothe Vance slightly, the boy's wounded look immediately shifting into one of amusement, immediately bursting into laughter and throwing his arm around Steve in a one-armed hug as he teasingly said, "you're damn right! I'm fucking perfect!"

"Cocky little shit" Steve stated making Vance grin before as he said teasingly, "yep, I sure am" before he suddenly reached out and poked Steve on the nose, saying light heartedly, "but so are you, Finney B, don't pretend like you aren't"

"Maybe I learnt it from you, V" Steve smiled making Vance have another grin, smirking at Steve as he reached out to ruffle his hair affectionately, speaking with a proud look, "you definitely learned it from me, Finney Blake, it's good to know that my influence is rubbing-off on you"

The other four boys all stood there watching, Griffin laughing and rolling his eyes while Billy and Bruce simply grinned in amusement and Robin smirked faintly as he spoke, "don't encourage him, Vance. Finn is a cocky little shit enough on his own, we don't need to make it worse.."

Steve winked at them making them all break into laughter at that, the five boys all clearly enjoying bantering with Finn and each other..

Griffin spoke up next, saying with a laugh, "see? Finn's a cocky little piece of crap on his own, we don't need to feed into it. He really has a goddamn ego on some days..."

"So, spill?" Steve said to Robin who glanced at him, and chuckled faintly as he responded back to Steve with a knowing smirk, "what, are you fishing for compliments now, Cariño? well, how could I ever deny making a handsome boy feel handsome, hm? Sure, I think you're handsome as hell. You're super attractive, especially when you're all feisty and sassy with that mischievous glint in your eyes.."

"I'll take that" Steve smiled happily but didn't expect for Robin to continue, "You're also very charming, you're adorable, you have a cute face, pretty eyes, very pretty hair, and the best goddamned personality known to man.. but I thought that first part was pretty self explanatory, Finn.. of course you're attractive, you're a total cutie"

"Sure you're not madly in love with me?" Steve teased making Robin roll his eyes at him and lightly punch his shoulder, "Of course I'm madly in love with you, Finn, completely".

"I can't tell if you're being honest or not, Pequeña Mierda.. not my fault you're incredibly confusing" Steve admitted with a big smile making Robin gasp, playing up his mock offense, giving Steve an offended look, before suddenly bursting into laughter, saying with a playful grin, "I'm not that confusing, Cariño"

"You did keep asking me to help you in math even though I'm shit at it and you're like.. hella smart" Steve spoke softly as he remembered one of there old conversations.

Robin snorted, giving him an amused look before laughing out a reply, "oh, don't pretend that wasn't just an excuse to spend time with you, Finn.. I had to come up with some kind of excuse to hang around you all the time"

"I knew it" Steve exclaimed even though he didn't making Robin shoot Steve a teasing smirk before leaning over and giving him a playful nudge, "you did not. I didn't think you'd ever figure out my scheme"

"Well I was thirteen so it's not my fault, dude" Steve argued playfully, nudging Robin back gently making Robin laugh again, shooting him a fond smile, "I'm pretty damn sure being thirteen isn't an excuse for being an idiot, Finn"

"You're only saying that because you're stuck at thirteen, Robin" Steve argued before sticking his tongue out slightly as Robin shot him an offended look, "I'm not 'stuck' at thirteen, Finn... I just never got around to aging, that's different"

Robin playfully shoved him again, giving him a look of mock offense before suddenly throwing his arms around him and pulling him into a playful hug, saying in a fake offended tone, "it is very rude to point out someone's lack of biological aging, Finney Boy"

"Technically I was pointing out your death but yeah let's go with that now" Steve teased as Robin just rolled his eyes at that, letting out an amused huff as he tightened his hug slightly, still playing up the fake offense, "oh, Cariño, you wound me. Here I am, hugging you lovingly and generously, pouring my heart out and trying so hard for you, and all you can do is bring up my death? Your cruelty knows no bounds..."

"You should be used to it by now" Steve teased as Robin let out an amused huff at Steve's words.

After a moment, Robin suddenly spoke up again in a joking tone, "yeah, you're probably right, Finn" before suddenly burying his face into the crook of Steve's shoulder, saying affectionately, "but you really are my favorite menace.."

"I better be" Steve stated simply making Robin scoff playfully, "Of course you are, Finn" Robin responded in a quiet voice, before suddenly tightening his hug around Steve and burying his face into his shoulder again, suddenly declaring in a quiet voice, "you're my favorite everything"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now