[ 013 ] - Arcade Planning.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


Vance perked up at this statement as he raised an eyebrow, "wait, there's a real arcade with actual working classic pinball machines here?" Steve just laughed quietly at Vance's excited expression before he nodded and said a quick "yeah"

"No one would see you guys since your ghosts but I could technically take you all there and let you run wild or whatever I guess" Steve said as the others looked over them when they entered the living room.

"Hell yeah!" Vance shouted excitedly, he was starting to look slightly like a little kid with how excited he seemed at the idea of playing at an arcade making Steve chuckle slightly as the other boys also seemed to look excited at the idea of being able to play in an actual real arcade after so long.

"Wow, you guys are almost acting like children in a candy store" Steve said with an amused smile as he took in the excited looks of the boys, all of them seemed so excited over getting to go but he couldn't blame them, any kid would be excited over that kind of thing anyways.

Vance just let out a small excited laugh as he spoke in a mix of excitement and irritation, "it's been fucking years since I've played a real pinball machine, give me a fucking break, Finney Blake"

"And you wanna carry on your legacy, I get it, Pinball" Steve stated with a smirk making Vance let out an amused scoff before, "yeah, it's kind of a big fucking crime that I haven't been able to properly play one in ages"

All the boys started to cheer quietly, Vance was acting slightly like a child right now, but he clearly couldn't help his excitement, "god, I'm gonna beat your ass at every game, Finney Blake. You better start praying now, Dickhead"

Steve laughed loudly at Vance's challenge, "you can try, Pinball. But I'm the pinball master and you will only ever bow before my greatness" Steve retaliates making Vance let out another amused scoff before he spoke in a mock tease, "yeah right, Finney Blake, you're just scared you're gonna get your ass fucking kicked by someone who's actually good"

"Oh really? We'll see about that, Vance" Steve replied in a teasing tone as the other boys all smiled and laughed in their own amusements.

Vance was usually so sarcastic, closed off or anger prone.. it was strange for all of them to see him so child-like excited about something..

"If you tell lover boy you like him, I might consider owning a couple pinball machines for my house just for you guys" Steve mused in a teasing tone but he definitely meant what he was saying.

At that, a bright shade of pink spread over Vance's cheeks, "What happened to not being annoying! And you shouldn't give in that easily!" Vance yelled towards Steve who just watched in amusement, Bruce though, just blushed at the statement and began stammering nervously "wait, what? What was that, Finn? What the hell!?"

Steve just laughed loudly as he turned to face Bruce, he hadn't expected to see how flustered Bruce was now that he was under the spotlight now earning a slightly amused smirk from Steve as he said tauntingly, "nothing lover boy, it was just a.. hypothetical"

Bruce's face went even redder at that statement as he looked towards Vance nervously, it was almost hilarious to be so flustered over his feelings being called out, "h-hey, hold on-" meanwhile, Vance just laughed slightly as he said in a teasing manner, mocking Bruce's reaction, "yeah lover boy, what's wrong?"

Steve chuckled as he stood up, he watched Vance and Bruce talk and then he noticed Billy and Griffin talking so he opted to go over to Robin who was sitting on his own and seemed to be in thought at something.

Vance continued to jokingly tease and banter with Bruce for a minute more before he eventually went quiet when he noticed Steve walking away over to Robin but then quickly started focusing back on talking to Bruce.

"Hey, Robin" Steve greeted him shyly as he sat down in the floor with a small smile as his nerves skyrocketed once more at the memories that flooded his mind,

This was going to be harder than he thought it would be..

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now