[ 028 ] - Finney Freaking Motherfucking Blake!

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied child death, Implied murder..


All three of them shared a surprised and entertained look as Steve rolled his eyes and blushed, that only amused them further.

The fact Steve had apparently been wearing Robin's bandana in general was pretty funny enough for them, but now that he was blushing about it it was hysterical.

Billy was the one to speak up this time, his tone amused and teasing as he said, "aww, Little Finney is blushing!" which  just lead to even more laughter from the other four.

All five were practically filling the Harrington house with laughter at this as Griffin finally managed to speak up this time, his tone choking with laughter as he said, "oh god, Finn, you're going red!"

"I hate you all" Steve stated, even though it was far from the truth and they all knew that fact making all five of them just burst into even more hysterical laughter at that.

Robin finally managed to regain enough composure to speak up, choking on laughter slightly, "I'm gonna die of laughter at this rate Cariño- you're so cute when you blush!"

After another few minutes, they all managed to calm back down, all of their faces now red from how hard they'd been laughing and all breathing heavily from it.

They all still had massive grins on their face, clearly still incredibly amused about it all while Bruce was the first to speak up, his tone amused and light as he said, "Finn's gone all shy on us, it's adorable!", Griffin then spoke up again, his tone teasingly now, "why can't you tell us, Finn? I'm dying to know now, please- just tell us already!"

"Because it's he's amazing, strong, can make me laugh and shit. Because he's Robin and I'm just.. me" Steve said as he sighed heavily.

That's the reason he wouldn't say who it was?

Vance was the first to speak up again in a mixture of knowing and amusement as he asked, "Arellano is the person you had a crush on?"

Their laughter was the most hysterical yet as Griffin was the first to start teasing Steve, "Robin? We thought it was gonna be one of us- but Robin? Damn, Finn, you have interesting taste!"

"Shut up" Steve groaned out as he looked at them and then over at where Bruce and Robin were stood just a bit away now.

The other three all burst into even more laughter at that, the idea of their Finney having a crush on Robin still being hysterical for them.

After a moment though, Billy finally managed to rein in his laughter enough for him to speak, asking in an amused and slightly teasing tone, "that's why you were wearing his bandana on your wrist, Finn! You were wearing it as a memento from your first crush!"

The idea that Steve had been wearing Robin's bandana simply because he likes him was completely hysterical to them.

All three were clearly very amused by the next statement that Steve muttered under his breath about it being complicated now, all of them snickering, Vance was who spoke up though, "oh? It's fucking complicated now, is it? Tell us, paperboy, what's fucking complicated about it, other than you not wanting to make out with a few ghosts?"

"the fact you're all dead, or you're all still young and I'm 17 now, and you're all ghosts" Steve stated in a quiet voice making all three of the boys' smiles dropped instantly at that statement.

A brief, heavy, silence fell over the group as their looks dropped, all three looking genuinely saddened to be reminded of the fact they're dead but they wanted to tease Finney more, so the silence only lasted a moment..

Vance suddenly broke out a loud scoff, his head tilting slightly as he poked Steve's face, right on his cheek and teasingly said, "Finney freaking motherfucking Blake! I didn't realise you were into gaps!"

"Oh my god!" Steve sighed loudly as he facepalmed, the audacity these ghosts had was really getting to Steve in that moment.

That just lead to Griffin and Billy also bursting into laughter, the two boys suddenly understanding Vance's idea.

They hadn't thought about that before, but Vance was right- Steve was technically four years or more years older then them now and suddenly, Griffin grinned widely as he spoke innocently, "yeah Finn, you're a cougar!"

"I am not, never say that again, Griff" Steve said, in a mix of shock that Griffin even knew what that meant in the first place and slight amusement at how he was trying to come across as innocent and not the little heathen Steve knew him to be now.

That just lead to all three breaking out into even more hysterical laughter as they all had wide grins on their faces, clearly having a great time with this sort of teasing.

After a moment though, Billy finally managed to reign in his laughter enough to speak softly, "seriously though, paperboy, what's so bad about that age gap, four years isn't that bad, right?"

Griffin and Vance quieted down a little too, both boys looking at Steve with a genuinely curious expression, clearly actually wondering what the problem with it was.

"Because dipshit, he's still technically 13, dead and a ghost and I'm 17, alive and human" Steve stated and the realization hit the three of them about the facts that they had all forgotten momentarily.

All three of them just look saddened at that, their expressions dropping but after a moment, Vance suddenly spoke up, his tone very serious now as he asked in his usual slightly annoyed tone, "is it really such a bad fucking thing that we're fucking dead though, Finney Blake?"

"You know that's not what I meant, Pinball" Steve said with a small sigh, he was not doing so good on the whole 'no more pissing off Vance' thing that he wanted to stick to.

All three boys were silent for a moment before Griffin suddenly spoke up in a soft, sad tone, "We know that, Finn... the fact that we're all dead isn't something any of us are particularly happy about, but, what is wrong with it? Yes, we're ghosts. But we're still people. We still love and feel and care about things... the other side isn't that bad of a place honestly... it's not the fact we're dead that I think is the biggest problem with you though.." and he trailed off there, leaving them in ominous silence for a long moment.

All the ghosts went silent, looking sad and serious as they clearly contemplated what was about to be said by the youngest in the group..

Griffin took a deep, shuddering breath before speaking again in a soft tone, his eyes slightly glazed, like he was back in the past that none of them wanted to be a part of anymore, "the biggest problem is how we died.."

All three boys went quiet at that- including Steve who was guilt-ridden once again- their serious, sad expressions from before only growing as their thoughts drifted to their own deaths..

after a moment, Billy spoke up slowly in a quiet tone, his voice barely a whisper to add to Griffins t̶h̶e̶o̶r̶y̶ fact,

"the biggest problem you have, Finney Blake, is that we died young. That we never got a chance to live.. and you believe it's your fault.."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now