[ 018 ] - The Threat Of Pinball.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


A look of mock shock appeared in Robin's eyes as he gasped dramatically, his grip on Steve's wrist loosening a little more as he said in a fake hurt tone "how dare you, Finn! Do you really want to go there? 'cause you're playing a dirty game.. but guess what? Two can play at that, Cariño"

"You can't curse me, we're best friends" Steve stated making Robin flustered slightly though he attempted to hide it as much as possible, trying to maintain his playful attitude as he said teasingly in a mockingly, wanting to see which one of them would crack first, "so what? You don't think I'd curse my best friend? How do you know I won't"

"You love me too much, just like the other ghost boys" Steve pointed out simply which made Robin's smirk return as his grip on Steve's wrist tightened slightly.. he wanted to see how flustered he could make his Finn as the butterflies in his stomach increased.

He leant towards his ear, his voice low as he whispered, slightly mocking, "and you love me too much, huh, Finn?"

"Yeah, yeah. I love you and the other ghosts boys. Happy?" Steve scoffed slightly as he turned a bit pink and rolled his eyes.

The fact that Steve was so nonchalant about it really caught Robin off guard, of course he had to try and maintain a level of cockiness though, "but the question is.. do you love me more though?"

"Hm, I don't know" Steve stated in a slight tease as he gave Robin a playful glare which only made Robin's grip on Steve's wrist tighten more, trying to ignore the feeling of his own heart pounding because of how close they were sat now, "how dare you, Cariño.. You're supposed to love me the most. I'm your favourite, aren't I?"

"Yeah, okay? I've technically known you longer than the others I guess and you're my best friend, ghost or not, so yeah you're my favorite" Steve explains in a slight tease, knowing he was getting to Robin.

A slight scoff came from Robin, he couldn't push away the feeling of absolute bliss that washed over him, he was Finn's favourite.. his best friend.. the fact that he even said he was his favourite made Robin's heart race and it took all his effort and concentration to maintain his cocky smirk.

"yes, I'm your favorite and you love me the most, don't you?" Robin asks with a confident smile making Steve roll his eyes, "Yeah, dumbass"

That made a slightly bigger smile appear on Robin's face as he used his other hand to gently held Steve's shoulders and trying to maintain his cocky demeanor "say it then. Say you love me the most."

"You're fucking relentless, you know that? ..fine. You're my favorite ghost boy and I love you most, happy now?" Steve said after giving into Robin's words after a few silent seconds.

The smirk on his features widened at Steve's words, he was finally getting close to making his Finn break.

He got that flustered at having to say it out loud that he loved him most?

Robin tightened his grip on Steve's wrist once more before he said confidently, the cockiness still there in his voice, "say it again, Finn"

"I'll get the others to annoy you, make Vance talk about Pinball" Steve stated with his own cocky tone which made Robin's eyes widened slightly as a sense of small terror filled him,

not Vance and his pinball rants..

anything but that.

He couldn't deal with that boy talking about pinball for hours straight,

not again.

He stared at Steve for a moment, debating if it was worth the effort, then after a moment he said reluctantly, slight panic in his voice, "you wouldn't dare"

"Vaaanceee" Steve called out with a smirk making Robin's eyes widen slightly and a look of panic appeared on his face as he yelled out a protest, reaching his hand out to try and cover Steve's mouth in a desperate attempt to stop him, "don't. Finney. Please-"

But then the door burst open and Vance was standing there, a small smile on his face as he spoke in a somewhat calm tone in his voice, "did I just hear a fellow ghost mention Pinball? Someone wants to talk to me about Pinball?"

"Told you"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now